小弟最近在CODEV中采用用户蒙特卡洛采样的TOLSPOT来做镜头的公差分析,采样200次。请问各位大神,如何自动将200次采样中的其他参数变化同时收集出来呢,以便形成统计图?例如每一次采样的畸变和远心度。小弟在自带的TOLSPOT宏中做了如下修改,试了一下好像不行,因为原有宏中调用了一个TOLMONT里面的全局变量^imagqual。求各位大神赐教方法,万分感激。 'bo~%WA]n
for ^z 1 (num z) GDD '[;
if ^zposition(^z) ! Skip inactive zoom positions \ gLHi~
for ^f 1 (num f) 4\6N~P86
^rs == rmsspot(^z,^f,1,^nrd) 'B@e8S)y
^TEL == (aoi f^f z^z r1 si) Q5FM8Q
! Check for ray errors JaK}|
if ^rs = -1 G(~;]xNW+
^error == 1 "g'jPwFG
^text == concat("for field ",num_to_str(^f)) 7vABq(
^text == concat(^text,", zoom ") |7X:TfJ
^text == concat(^text,num_to_str(^z)) LE*h9((
out y r=6v`)Qr
wri zxf"87se
^tmp == cverror("Ray failures encountered",0) ;$a@J&
^tmp == cverror(^text,1) DqX{'jj
wri mExVYp h
rtn lWqrU1Sjl
else if ^rs = -2 4H|(c[K;
^error == 1 !OT-b>*w
^text == concat("for field ",num_to_str(^f)) nv0]05.4
^text == concat(^text,", zoom ") T'LIrf
^text == concat(^text,num_to_str(^z)) \[jq4`\$
out y J,zO2572u
wri i:u1s"3~
^tmp == cverror("Rays at the edge of the oversized analysis grid are not blocked",0) L3n_ 5|
^tmp == cverror(^text,1) z,VD=Hnz
^tmp == cverror("Check Apertures and Vignetting for consistency.",1) qQ0cJIISb\
wri L~ IhsiB
rtn ed:@C?
end if ~_s{0g]B
^im1(^z,^f) == ^rs rtL}W__
^im2(^z,^f) == ^TEL TOoQZTI
end for h;-yU.(w
end if lhtZaU~V
end for