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双折射材料的温度修正 Birefringent Material Temperature Modification \0T*msYQ Pc4cSw#5 目前,FRED尚不支持“global”温度设置,温度敏感性评估一般用脚本编程来完成,该文档演示双折射材料的折射率随温度变化的问题。附件案例文件包括两个双折射材料模,“KDP”和 “KDP Baseline”, KDP Baseline材料存储在已知温度下的折射率,KDP材料用于储存在“current”温度下的折射率值,定义为与baseline material之间的温度差。一个嵌入的脚本名为“modifyBirefringentMaterialIndex” ,包含在FRED文件中,另外也单独附加。其实现过程如下: J3S+| x h~ (wF$"c3'{ 1.Retrieve the node numbers for the two materials, KDP and KDP Baseline !
e,(Zz5 L=!kDU 2.User specifies CTE for the ordinary and extraordinary refractive index values as well as the temperature difference from the baseline `3P62M< n(Op< 3.Loop over the baseline material samples and determine the number of wavelength entries "hY^[@7 W ?o5#Ve$-X 4.Loop over each sampled wavelength entry in the baseline material <KPx0g?=b 'c(Y")QP a.Modify the ordinary and extraordinary refractive index values using (2) above WR EGRy 8vo7~6yy b.Apply the modified values to the non-baseline material 0M2+?aKif `|?$; ) 5.Set a description on the non-baseline material indicating the temperature change from baseline }C`0"
1 <f{`}drp/ 脚本编程及GUI例程请下载链接: 5MU@g*gj,C Z*"t]L http://fred-kb.photonengr.com/files/2011/04/modifyBirefringentMaterialIndex.frs l8us6 2_v+q http://fred-kb.photonengr.com/files/2011/04/birefringentMaterialTemperatureModification.frd I19F\