我也不清楚,这是从帮助里面抄过来的 E&;[E
Focus Merit Function Target Tab W|2o^ V
This tab contains diagnostic data that can help you improve your optimization. cWp5' e]A
• Focus To 4n9".UHh
– Receiver Center - This is the default setting for the Focus merit function. Focuses to the center of the receiver (which is X, Y = 0, 0 by default). g?7I7W~?`
– Rays Centroid - Focuses to the centroids of X and Y. Use this option when the final location for the rays in unknown prior to optimization. j\I{pW-
– Line Along X - Focuses rays along the X axis at the location specified by the value for Y. xX !`0T7Y
– Line Along Y - Focuses rays along the Y axis at the location specified by the value for X. |2Krxi3*
– Position - Focuses to the position specified by X, Y, below. !g`^<y!
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– Ring - Focuses rays to an annulus (i.e., a ring) with the specified radius. The radius of a given ray, R, is computed using R = SQRT(X2+Y2). Pv#Oea?
• X, Y - The X, Y target position. kVmRv.zZ
• Radius - The radius value for the ring when the target is Focus To Ring. thU9s%,
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重点优点功能目标选项卡 {+3
此选项卡包含可帮助您改进优化的诊断数据。 ~|:U"w\[=
• 专注于 0I v(ioB=
– 接收器中心 - 这是 Focus 评价功能的默认设置。 聚焦到接收器的中心(默认为 X, Y = 0, 0)。 *+i1m`6Q
– 光线质心 - 聚焦于 X 和 Y 的质心。当光线的最终位置在优化之前未知时使用此选项。 3 P=I)q
– 沿 X 线 - 沿 X 轴将光线聚焦在 Y 值指定的位置。 yv;KKQ
– 沿 Y 线 - 沿 Y 轴将光线聚焦在 X 值指定的位置。 JI3x^[(Z
– 位置 - 聚焦到下方 X、Y 指定的位置。 ShIJ6LZ
– 环 - 将光线聚焦到具有指定半径的环形(即环)。 使用 R = SQRT(X2+Y2) 计算给定射线的半径 R。 n%S%a>IQj
• X、Y - X、Y 目标位置。 >eC>sTPQ{
• 半径- 当目标为Focus To Ring 时,环的半径值。 _Xqa_6+/