
发布:shsources 2019-07-18 15:37 阅读:2836
[attachment=94553] v#AO\zYKd  
bj* v'  
品牌:Crystalaser Liz 6ob  
特色: :ayO+fr#  
波长473nm-1342nm,功率高达3W \-`oFe"  
低噪音、单纵模、超稳定 A.'`FtV  
优异的光束指向稳定性与功率稳定性 =tvm=  
风冷 ^PCL^]W  
TTL调制 @_ tA"E  
自由空间出射、光纤耦合出射 5kL#V  
应用:     enfu%"(K)  
拉曼光谱激光雷达、荧光光谱、共聚焦显微分析、种子激光、干涉、神经生物学、光镊、流式细胞学 ph$&f0A6Xc  
1、473 nm Blue Lase #ui%=ja[:~  
Wavelength y^Xxa'y  
CW output, mW x:D<Mu#  
      Low noise option 14)kKWG  
Transverse mode *^$N $t/2  
Beam diameter (1/e2) zj$Z%|@$  
Beam divergence EXM/>PG  
Output stability, rms oY#XWe8Om  
Beam point stability w]}cB+C+l#  
Polarization ratio  OG<]`!"  
Longitudinal mode 6`PGV+3j  
    SLM available MrygEC 5  
Spectrum linewidth y`P7LC  
Operating temperature
473 nm cqU/Y_%l'  
150, 100, 75, 40, 25, 10, 5; Noise <3%(1Hz-5kHz) UVuuIW0k  
70, 50, 25 mW; Noise <0.5%(1Hz-50MHz) YUE 1 '}  
TEMoo, M2<1.2 ]8j5Ou6#y  
0.25 mm Z~R/ p;@  
3 mrad Z( clw  
<2% over 8 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs XS~w_J#q  
+/-0.005 mrad/C fJ+E46|4  
> 50 : 1 f \%X 7.  
2-4 longitudinal modes :$@zX]?M  
Single longitudinal mode with >100m coherence length kO\&mL& qD  
0.1 nm, nominal;         SLM version: < 10-5 nm K {N;k-  
10 to 35 degree C
2、CW Green Laser Y&:\s8C  
Laser wavelength, nm 4xC6#:8  
Laser Crystal F u=VY{U4  
Output power, mW jI pcMN<  
Output stability, rms ^rZ+H@p:6  
Noise, rms `1}yB  
Transverse mode <@2?2l+`X  
Beam diameter (1/e2) 78}%{7YY  
Beam divergence :<|fZa4!"  
Beam point stability ,kuFTWB  
Polarization (IWd?,H,n  
Operating temperature 91'^--N  
Operating voltage >L3p qK   
Warm-up time ZX RN?b  
Power consumption ~1z8G>R  
Size of laser head {:!SH6 ff  
Size of power supply -^%"w  
Expected laser life time
532 nm   (515 nm 523, 527, 542, 555, 561, 593 nm available) _!T$|,a  
Nd:YAG, Nd:YVO4 O4+w2'.,  
1000, 500, 300, 200, 150, 100, 75, 50, 25, 10, 5   rs KE  
<2% over 8 hrs;  Ultra stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs %x)U8  
<0.5%, 10Hz - 50MHz, for S- and L-version lasers [&59n,R`  
TEMoo, M2<1.1 Z\yLzy#8  
0.36 mm (2X beam expander, beam size 0.7 mm) (W6\%H2u  
2 mrad (with a 2X beam expander, divergence 1 mrad) 5_T>HHR 6  
+/-0.005 mrad/C HCCp<2D"C  
Linear; Polarization ratio > 50:1; or >100:1 option ojI"<Q~g  
10 to 35 degree C 7 @Qlp$[F  
90-250 VAC or 9-24 VDC W5yu`Br  
1 minute y")>"8H  
15 W ;:YjgZ:+Q]  
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate {;gWn' aq  
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch)     DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm =<tEc+!T3  
>10,000 hours (MTBF)
3、Orange Yellow Laser and Yellowish Green Lasers ",oUVl  
3m9 E2R,  
Wavelength, nm h*'5h!  
Output power, mW YtKX\q^.  
  SLM and Low noise output Y\F H4}\S  
Transverse mode ?-p aM5Q+  
Beam diameter (1/e2) bpCe&*\6K  
Beam divergence ^OsUWhkV  
Output stability, rms l"g%vS,;`  
Beam point stability $G.|5sEk  
Polarization atnbM:t  
Longitudinal mode alD|-{Bf  
Spectrum linewidth =?x=CEW  
Operating temperature PhdL@Mr  
Operating voltage e/%Y ruzS  
Warm-up time FC .-u"V  
Power consumption 6<O]_HZ&  
Size of laser head O  
Size of power supply a];i4lt(c  
Expected life time
561 (available wavelengths 593, 589, 558, 555, 542,532,527, 523) X~b+LG/  
500, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10mW; Noise <2% (1Hz-10kHz) :O=Vr]Y8K  
150, 100, 75, 50, 25, 10mW; Noise <0.5% (1Hz-100MHz) 'KrkC A  
TEMoo, M2<1.1 WWs>@lCK  
0.36 mm (2X beam expander, beam size 0.7 mm) Wx`IEPsVbk  
2 mrad (with a 2X beam expander, divergence 1 mrad) +#9 (T  
<2% over 8 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs {[#  
0.005 mrad/degree C !y0 O['7  
Linear; Polarization ratio > 50:1; or >100:1 option !I$RE?7eY  
SLM laser: single; Standard version laser: several longitudinal modes dRC+|^ rSC  
0.15 nm, nominal 'S>Jps@  
10 to 35 degree C 1z!Lk*C)  
90-250 VAC or 9-20 VDC WJ,ON-v  
1 minute )^3655mb  
15 W $l0w{m!P  
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate AX?6Q4Gq1  
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch)   DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm M6n.uho/  
> 10,000 hours
I>|?B( F  
4、DPSS Red Laser epe}^Pl  
]>j_ Y ,  
Wavelength SJe;T  
Output power, mW u{^Kyo#v  
    SLM laser output )`0 j\  
Transverse mode w Nnb@  
Beam diameter (1/e2) \6L=^q=  
Beam divergence Ews Ja3 `  
Output stability, rms j'cS_R  
Beam point stability rZ7 Ihof  
Polarization OW^7aw(N6  
Longitudinal mode Er`PYE J  
    SLM version ppS`zqq $  
Spectrum linewidth <taW6=;c  
Amplitude noise, rms *O2j<3CHf  
Operating temperature jiDYPYx;I  
Operating voltage oyY,uB.|  
Warm-up time [sRQd;+  
Power consumption '-qc \6UY  
Size of laser head C7:Ry)8'I  
Size of power supply X8TZePh  
Expected life time
656.5 nm          660 nm           671 nm 4v7RX  
250, 200, 100, 50, 35, 25, 10 YFY)Z7fK  
25 mW             25 mW          250 mW ^TGHWCK!t  
TEMoo, M2<1.1 ?*0kQo'  
0.35 mm Zx{'S3W  
3 mrad fAi113q!  
<2% over 8 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs ycN_<  
+/-0.005 mrad/K /zM7G?y  
Linear; Polarization ratio > 50:1; or >100:1 option J(]nPwm=.-  
Several longitudinal modes with coherence length 1 - 5 mm .N2Yxty8>  
Single longitudinal mode with > 300 meters coherence length !ywc).]e  
0.1 nm, nominal;        SLM version: < 10-5 nm 6=k^gH[g  
<1%, 1Hz-10kHz;      SLM version: <0.5%, 1Hz-20MHz k-/$8C  
10 to 35 degree C /r6DPR0\  
90-250 VAC or 9-20 VDC hb{(r@[WHv  
2 minutes 195(Kr<5$  
15 W mdd~B2"el  
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate YDwns  
or 3.6x7x18.5 cm (HxLxW) for 200 mW lasers i`X{pEKP+  
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch)     DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm Nx"?'-3Hm  
> 10,000 hours
5、CW Infrared Laser * gnL0\*  
Wavelength, nm 0NGokaD)H  
Max TEMoo output 4{_5z7ody  
Max SLM output option 7pNh|#Uv'  
Available output option ur|2FS7  
Transverse mode #"|Ey6&  
Beam diameter (1/e2) _1 a2Z\  
Beam divergence }z[se)s  
Output stability, rms 8I'?9rt2M  
Beam point stability :c>,=FUT  
Polarization plane vzU%5,  
Polarization ratio sYL+;(#t  
Amplitude noise, rms )L?Tq"hy  
Wavefront distortion bF.Aj8ZQ  
Longitudinal mode `'/8ifKz  
      SLM version 9"rATgN1  
Spectrum linewidth n1ICW 9  
      SLM version 3 f3?%9  
Operating temperature 9M6&+1XE  
Operating voltage _Cs.%R!r  
Warm-up time A 6d+RAx  
Power consumption e :#\Oh  
Size of laser head a?;{0I:Ln  
Size of power supply ^6=nL<L  
Expected life time
JkKI/ 5h  
1064    1053/1047     1342      1313 / 1319 / 9461030 xc!"?&\*  
3 W          2.5 W            1.5 W           1 W             300 mW ;tHF$1!J  
1 W          200 mW         300 mW        200 mW        200 mW *(rq AB0~  
3W, 2.5W, 2W, 1.5W, 1W, 700, 500, 300, 100, to <20 mW #pZ3xa3R  
TEMoo, M2<1.1 gP} M\3-O  
0.45 mm; 2x-9x beam expander option available '&`Zy pq  
3.6 mrad; Option: a 4x beam expander reduced to <1 mrad }*%%GPJ  
<1% over 2 hrs; Ultra-stable option: <0.25% over 24 hrs [W2k#-%G  
+/-0.005 mrad/deg C \Tc$P#  
1064,1047,1342 nm horizontal; 1053,1313,1319,946 nm vertical vXc<#X9  
>100:1 7"gy\_M  
< 1%, 10Hz - 1MHz iZ{D_uxq  
< l/10 )Z62xK2  
Several longitudinal modes with coherence length 1 - 5 mm :G!Kaa,r  
Single longitudinal mode with >300 meters coherence length }} IvZG&  
0.3 nm, nominal; 0.1nm / 0.05nm narrow linewidth option P6MT[  
< 10-5 nm I*X| pRD  
10 to 35 deg C 'b-}KDP  
90-250 VAC or 9-24 VDC N-^\e)ln  
1 minute $I_aHhKt  
15 W, typical Q$3%aR-2  
3 x 3 x 12 cm with a fixed 6 mm thick base plate, or P63f0 F-G  
3.6x5x18 cm / 3.6x7x20 cm (HxWxL) for high output lasers |')Z;  
AC: 5x14x15 cm (2x5x6 inch)     DC: 3.5x8.5x12.7 cm $zJ.4NA  
> 10,000 hours


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