概述 .L1[Rv3 ASY查看倾斜数据 %q;y74 MC PLOT预估公差Monte-Carlo分析 NW;_4g4qE 6nsb)7a 4)}>dxv 设置工作目录 Z]2z*XD 选择Dbook工作目录 Yg&/^ (yuOY/~k/ ,+OVRc 参考Donald Dilworth《Lens Design Automatic and quasi-autonomous computational methods and techniques》第28章 kt_O= I(&N2L$- %1GKN|7 初始透镜 uuh._H}- n|Y}M]u, 点击 打开C28M1,点击 GeB-4img 此 MACro 将镜头输出并将副本存储在透镜库位置 5,然后创建一个 BTOL 公差分析 8
ks\-38n1 \0;w7tdo z,dFDl$ In:V.'D/>t fn7?g 准备Monte-Carlo分析 4/3w
* 在Command Window中输入LM MCFILE YaQ5Z-c
MCFILE是调整MACro,是Monte-Carlo分析的一部分 8~.8"gQ 点击 运行MCFIlE pV:44 点击 打开C28M2.MAC,点击 !,b&e q`z1ht
nf y9@j-m& 有透镜都有楔角 xi,fm 在Command Window中输入GET 5 h5aPRPU g
在C28M2中注释掉TEST,更改SAMPLES 1为SAMPLES 100 n^qwE 点击 运行C28M2 i~<.@&vt 元件现在都有楔角误差,因此 PAD 显示不能像以前那样为透镜着色。 V5
9Vf[i| 9]G~i`QQ E/1:4?1 S xa?auv! u!It';j OQg}E@LZ 图像质量直方图 &:g1*+ ?TW? 2+ 在Command Window中输入MC PLOT &K=)YpT sUxEm}z s6;ZaU 1`Bhis9X8 ^
rO}'~( w9gfva$& ASY查看倾斜数据 !T~uxeZ/; 在C28M2中取消注释TEST,并在TEST前加入命令WEDGES CLOCK,点击 运行C28M2 YF;2jl Nm 在Command Window中输入ASY G2>s#Y5(, ,]9p&xu ^foCcO 表面 1,5,7,9 和 12 已经被分配了组倾斜 $|!3ks 6Rg>h .K#'
Fec 增加伽马倾斜变量 "18cD5-# 更改MCFILE.MAC为 6*|EB|%n PANT EQHCw<e VY 14 TH 2`FDY3n VY 5 GPG ! Vary group gamma tilt on surfaces 5, 7, 9, and 12 (but not surface 1). 7}&vEc@w& VY 7 GPG wIF'|" VY 9 GPG }^n"t>Z8 VY 12 GPG pVjOp~=U
END =6fJUy^M\ *J4\KU =|^R<#%/ AANT a`C2:Z23(# M 0 1 A P YA ! Control the boresight error this way. 0NvicZ7VR
M 0 1 A P XA AuB BSk8($ GSR .5 10 5 M 0 0 0 F ! Correct over the full pupil since the lens no longer has 8KdcU[w] GNR .5 2 3 M .7 0 0 F ! bilateral symmetry. /kO%aN GNR .5 1 3 M 1 0 0 F {G|= pM\' GNR .5 2 3 M -.7 0 0 F ! For the same reason we also control the negative field. Mt~2&$> GNR .5 1 3 M -1 0 0 F J/Ch
/Sa END >pq=5Ha& SYNOPSYS 10 ~sWXd~\ MC Te^_gdf 9!Fg1h= u+pZ<Bb 图像质量直方图 73ABop 在Command Window中输入GET 5 7$"5qJ{ s 在C28M2中注释掉TEST ZNDjk 点击 运行C28M2 ,v9*|>4 在Command Window中输入MC PLOT g- INhzMu VZk;{ vsB3n$2@u {q);1Nnf _2}/rwVg 更改MCFILE Z?eedVV@ 在MCFILE.MAC中的命令SYNOPSYS 10和MC之间添加如下命令 B/JMH 1r Z1 = XA IN COLOR 1 ! Get the actual X coordinate of the chief ray in color 1. Y5mk*Q#q RMS 1 0 555 ! Run the RMS command, which also finds the centroid. Qb86* Z2 = FILE 4 ! This is the X-centroid location, relative to the chief ray, ?,eq86-M Z3 = FILE 5 ! and this is the Y. 2kFP;7FO Z4 = YA IN COLOR 1 ! Also get the actual Y coordinate. S'IQbHz* Z5 = XA IN COLOR 3 ! Do the same thing in color 3. ;s$
P?(' RMS 3 0 555 mw\Pv| Z6 = FILE 4 9N<TJp,q Z7 = FILE 5 Z/e[$xT < Z8 = YA IN COLOR 3 .;:dG = SQRT((Z1 + Z2 - Z5 - Z6)**2 + (Z3 + Z4 - Z7 - Z8)**2) ! The separation. k& |