概述 ;Ry
)^5Q ASY查看倾斜数据 xF*C0B;QL MC PLOT预估公差Monte-Carlo分析 &xF 2!t` A&i
%p6+D-C 设置工作目录 Zy2@1-z6 选择Dbook工作目录 {0fQ"))" !$'s?rnh
[c@14]e 参考Donald Dilworth《Lens Design Automatic and quasi-autonomous computational methods and techniques》第28章 P7n+@L$ N
#NM.g 初始透镜 h<oQ9zW) <$s G]l!\ 点击打开C28M1,点击 + >N/q(l 此 MACro 将镜头输出并将副本存储在透镜库位置 5,然后创建一个 BTOL 公差分析 iY~9`Q1E dKcHj<'E/
%gB 0\C ;b:Ct <
rJJI<{$ 准备Monte-Carlo分析 iYj+NL 在Command Window中输入LM MCFILE }}v04~ MCFILE是调整MACro,是Monte-Carlo分析的一部分 24 S,w>j 点击运行MCFIlE Do}mCv 点击 打开C28M2.MAC,点击 3\6UH <o5+*X
i]Or'L0c 有透镜都有楔角 ~:."BA 在Command Window中输入GET 5 _p vL b 在C28M2中注释掉TEST,更改SAMPLES 1为SAMPLES 100 MT" 2^&R 点击运行C28M2 5fS89?/? 元件现在都有楔角误差,因此 PAD 显示不能像以前那样为透镜着色。 p8F5b8]* vv,OBL~{
jcF/5u5e f<A Bs4w
,D-VC{lj ='=\!md 图像质量直方图 7>EjP&l x,"'\=|s* 在Command Window中输入MC PLOT <{.o+~k o>{+vwK
uQ#3;sFO 1cS{3
k3se<NL[ zH8l-0I+$ ASY查看倾斜数据 9 ="i'nYp 在C28M2中取消注释TEST,并在TEST前加入命令WEDGES CLOCK,点击运行C28M2 6.|f iQs] 在Command Window中输入ASY mPGF Y O&]Y.Z9,A u79.`,Ad& 表面 1,5,7,9 和 12 已经被分配了组倾斜 NG@9}O +u*WUw!%
eFvw9B+ 增加伽马倾斜变量 0mL#8\'" 更改MCFILE.MAC为 PL<q|y PANT *""'v
VY 14 TH `bO+3Y'5 VY 5 GPG ! Vary group gamma tilt on surfaces 5, 7, 9, and 12 (but not surface 1). '6u;KIG VY 7 GPG *iS<]y VY 9 GPG $xmltvaF VY 12 GPG ZbCu -a{v END nm66U4.@ [|V<e+>T/
Zr'VA,v AANT M~;Ww-./ M 0 1 A P YA ! Control the boresight error this way. gPY2Bnw;l M 0 1 A P XA H Kx2QFB GSR .5 10 5 M 0 0 0 F ! Correct over the full pupil since the lens no longer has \(jSkrrD GNR .5 2 3 M .7 0 0 F ! bilateral symmetry. f;#hcRSH GNR .5 1 3 M 1 0 0 F X:+;d8rCy GNR .5 2 3 M -.7 0 0 F ! For the same reason we also control the negative field. :<Y,^V( GNR .5 1 3 M -1 0 0 F 9)s=%dL END & :x_ SYNOPSYS 10 z^S=ji U++ MC |eWlB\ x8 -uenCWF\#
-uK|< 图像质量直方图 N54U
[sy 在Command Window中输入GET 5 ?AX./LI 在C28M2中注释掉TEST e m<(wJ-Y 点击运行C28M2 RvvK`}/6 在Command Window中输入MC PLOT tlu-zUsi ?%(8RQ
\MQ|( zCj]mH`es'
` 更改MCFILE =:mD)oX* 在MCFILE.MAC中的命令SYNOPSYS 10和MC之间添加如下命令 #0"Fw$Pc Z1 = XA IN COLOR 1 ! Get the actual X coordinate of the chief ray in color 1. #A@*k}/+ RMS 1 0 555 ! Run the RMS command, which also finds the centroid. cF3V{b|bU Z2 = FILE 4 ! This is the X-centroid location, relative to the chief ray, xl@l< Z3 = FILE 5 ! and this is the Y. wgpu]ooUF& Z4 = YA IN COLOR 1 ! Also get the actual Y coordinate. bNp
RGhlV Z5 = XA IN COLOR 3 ! Do the same thing in color 3. |/[?]` RMS 3 0 555 <i`Ipj Z6 = FILE 4 g5lf-}? Z7 = FILE 5 I/rq@27o Z8 = YA IN COLOR 3 3D[IZ^%VtM = SQRT((Z1 + Z2 - Z5 - Z6)**2 + (Z3 + Z4 - Z7 - Z8)**2) ! The separation. |Spy |,/ Z9 = FILE 1 ! Load it into variable Z9, and tell MC ^k]OQc7q' MC IZ9 "RedCen-BlueCen" ! to gather the statistics and plot Z9 with this label. B<J}YN _a"5[sG
w0x,~ E(*RtOC<W 调整参数直方图 y[oc^Zuo 在Command Window中输入MC PLOT /=A^@&:_# 4!,x3H'
)t{?7wy BV"7Wp;
(S* T{OgO 总结 %fnL 本例讲述了使用 BTOL 来计算八片透镜组的公差分析,然后查看通过时钟单元格中的透镜来补偿楔角误差的情况下的像质统计。 最后,我们将在镜头重新聚焦和时钟元件之后,检查一组 100 个镜头的横向色差的统计数据。 lhva| i]a 5cn
M%5qx,JQY 感谢 &]3_ .C
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