(defun c:sl() 15aPoxo>
(setq Ycolum(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in Y axis: ")) ;;y軸方向點數 R2 J A(Hn
(setq Yleth(getreal"\n pls input the Y axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ;;y軸起始座標 `f~$h?}3-@
(setq Xcolum1(getint"\n pls input the dot's Q'ty you wanted desgin in x axis: ")) P7/Xh3
(setq X_Cood1(getreal"\n pls input the X axis startpoint coordinate: ")) ORWi+H|
(setq ridus1(getreal"\n pls input the Diameter of startpoint you wanted desgin in mm: ")) Pv\8 \,B9
(setq pitch_x(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between X axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) \6"=`H0}
(setq pitch_y(getreal"\n pls input the pitch between Y axis dots you wanted desgin: ")) oEFo7X`t
(setq reduce1(getreal"\n pls input reduce the dot you wanted desgin : ")) V U5</si+
(setq Xchange1 1) J}#2Wy^{
(setq Ychange 1) Iij$ce`nx
(setq m (* Ycolum 2)) @qx$b~%
(setq D (- Xcolum1 1)) XAtRA1.
(setq A (- m 1)) + DE/DR:
(setq X_P (/ pitch_x 2)) '#,C5*`
(setq Y_P (/ pitch_y 2)) +KNd%AJ
(setq C (+ Yleth Y_P)) JV'aqnb.8\
(while (<= Ychange Ycolum) "^wIoJ6H'
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 reduce1) qcQq.cS_'N
pitch_a pitch_x ];b+f@
Xcolum Xcolum1 $MfRw
reduce reduce1 `R.Pz _oe
X_Cood X_Cood1 ('\sUZ+5
Xchange Xchange1 UA]fKi
pitch_b pitch_y r_
) [/ertB
(setq Yleth (+ Yleth pitch_b)) ~82 {Y
( while (<= Xchange Xcolum) s| Q1;%Tj
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) Sl<1Rme=w
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth 0)) ib!TXWq
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) h.l.da1#
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") w1VYU>
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) .c__T{<)[
) ?cKTeGrS
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) 9$C?)XKXB
) EYCZuJxv
(setq Yleth1 C) 0G33hIOS
(while (and (> Ychange Ycolum) (<= Ychange A)) R osU~OK
(setq ridus (+ ridus1 (setq reduce0 (/ reduce1 2))) VEn3b
pitch_a pitch_x KtH^k&z.f
Xcolum Xcolum1 #5'@at'1
reduce reduce1 Fpeokr"i
X_Cood (+ X_Cood1 X_P) gG}H5uN
Xchange Xchange1 kp}[nehF
pitch_b pitch_y z5Tsu1c
) Hz==,NR-W
(setq Yleth1 (+ Yleth1 pitch_b)) >gM"*Laa?
( while (<= Xchange D) C8|#
(setq X_Cood (+ X_Cood pitch_a)) x#zj0vI-8
(setq CP (list X_Cood Yleth1 0)) ,tg(aL
(setq ridus (- ridus reduce)) ;$gV$KB:xA
(command "donut" (- ridus ridus) ridus CP "") #M+_Lk3
(setq Xchange (+ Xchange 1)) t*A[v
) IA[:-2_
(setq Ychange (+ Ychange 1)) k*\)z\f
) `YE=B{q