引用第0楼toshiba于2006-12-12 14:12发表的 计算机辅助设计—Pro ENGINEER Wildfire实用教程 : uk_?2?>-5
上个不好,错了. kRnh20I
改正后再传 m.-l&@I2/<
有PRO/E30 F000破解方法的仁兄帮帮发给小弟一个
PdJtJqA8h\ 破解說明:
,T_HE3 K 1.start pro/e setup
{<&I4V@+ 開始安裝
F<X)eO]tk Z=DAA+T` 0R<@* 2.open ptc_licfile.dat with your fav txt-editor
i NzoDmE* 使用你最常用的文字編輯器 打開ptc_licfile.dat
oddS~lW I(/W+o 3> -/sii 3.replace every occurance of <HOSTID> with the one shown in the bottom left corner of the Pro/e setup
qHg\n)R"x! (its your mac-id, format: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)
?stx3sZ 把你的 網路卡序號打在每一個 <HOSTID>位。(可使用搜尋及取代功能)
E=GCq=Uw 改成:HOSTID=PTC_HOSTID=00-13-CE-4C-21-79
{FraM,w: (w?@qs! ' A= x 4.安裝PROE
4I ?1 Yt!UIl\< .install pro/e - pro/m - pro/ds, i dont care which one or in which order
S1wt>}w0$ .on license-config screen select "nodelocked license" and point to edited ptc_licfile.dat
uz>o\ .blalala install
SV*6 +bI &0` =(K;z9OR 5.next for pro/engineer:(以下為針對pro/engineer模組之破解)
H:4r6-{ a) (if u didnt install the complete package, u get "missing file" errors, accept or bleed)
j"HB[N (如果有些模組沒安裝, 破解時會出現檔案找不到訊息)
{w}PV5< "EF:+gi#" b) run ptc.pro engineer.wildfire.3.0.m060-patch.exe, point to <installdir>\i486_nt\obj folder
c, \TL
] 將SHooTERS\ptc.pro engineer.wildfire.3.0.m060-patch.exe複製到<安裝路徑>\i486_nt\obj下並執行。
zm\=4^X ZU7e1VaZM c) edit <pro/e installdir>\bin\proev.bat
~d?7\:n 以文字編輯器編輯<pro/e安裝路徑>\bin\proev.bat
I,QJ/sI O*rKV2\ e) change "%start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr%" in
TZi%,yK "%start_cmd% "%CGTECH_JRE%\bin\javaw" -Xms16m -Xmx64m -Xss4m -classpath "%CGTECH_CLASSES%;%CGTECH_CLASSES%\CGTech.jar" Vericut %argstr% PTC_KEY=0"
A!H6$-W|p (add PTC_KEY=0)
J %jfuj 將第2行" "內的字串複製起來,將<pro/e安裝路徑>\bin\proev.bat內如第1行" "內的字串替換。
d"uR1rTk lyfLkBF \06fP4? 6.pro/mechanica:(以下為針對pro/mechanica模組之破解)
qbu Lcy3 .point to <pro/m installdir>\i486_nt\bin
["Ep.7=SU <pro/m installdir>\i486_nt\obj
1C^6'9o <pro/m installdir>\i486_nt\ptc
xKEHNgen 將SHooTERS\ptc.pro mechanica.wildfire.3.0.m060-patch.exe複製到<安裝路徑>\i486_nt\obj並執行
ny'~pT'00 <安裝路徑>\i486_nt\ptc並執行
}4ijLX>b B4pheKZ2 kM*f9x 7.pro/distributed services:(以下為針對pro/distributed services模組之破解)
p82&X+v/p .run ptc.distributed.services.m060-patch.exe and point to <pro/ds installdir>\i486_nt\obj
0!o&=Qh 7=u\D 將SHooTERS\ptc.distributed.services.m060-patch.exe複製到<安裝路徑>\i486_nt\obj並執行
KR%p*Nh+C X3%7VFy9 z(iB$;M 重要:6、7項為針對有安裝此模組時,才需要作此部份之破,否則只需破解pro/engineer模組即可。
{$bAs9L s{x2RDAt 8.大功告成。