转一个光学设计论坛里的帖子 c=oDzAzuV\
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在光学设计中有人经常碰到这样的问题,光学镜头的指标中有两项对于畸变的要求 tnRf!A;m
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其中的TV 畸变很多人不知道它的含义,再此给大家提供以下信息供参考,看了之后TV 畸变的概念就很清楚了 }}AIpYp,P
What is distortion? +I3jI <
Distortion is the ratio of the change between the center and edge areas of a captured image. Due to the aberration of the lens, the distortion is more noticeable at the edges of a captured image. There are two types of distortion: barrel distortion and pincushion distortion. The general rule is that when the absolute value of the distortion value is smaller, the lens offers higher accuracy. 2$JGhgDI
Calculating formula KA5)]UF`l
TV distortion (Dtv) = Δh/2h x 100 (%) Zd*$^P,|
A positive value of TV distortion indicates CLR1CGnn7
pincushion distortion and a negative value &L;ocd$
indicates barrel distortion. =)[m[@,c
原帖网址:http://www.opto-tech.com/read.php?tid-3086.html 5)k8(kH