#CcEI Writes out IES-format file.
<[$a7l i P=7X+}@ Function
Sjo-Xf} gLg.mV1< Display/Modify Energy Distributions
Q(O0z3 b dnV&U%fO Syntax
}2S)CL= O8Z+g{ IESFILE [ name [ ELLIP w l h ] ] [ PAD [ p ] ] [ 'string' ]
sp+'c;a ,/kZt! Option Description
]wfY<Z name name of the created file (extension is .IES)
,5j3(Lk ELLIP or RECT add the devices ELLIPtical or RECTangular width, length, and height to the file's header
U.h2 (-p w width of the elliptical or rectangular device
g yegdky3 l length of the elliptical or rectangular device
}sG h height of the elliptical or rectangular device
uG/'9C6Z PAD p flag to pad the distribution with p values (default is minimum)
bYqv)_8 'string' adds a comment string to the file's header
\.>7w 1p Remarks
o ZQ@ Yu3 E~VV19Bv]/ n Writes out a standard IESNA photometric file (name.IES) of an angular distribution created by either a RADIANT command (A or C photometry where the polar axis becomes vertical) or a SPOTS DIR and ANGLES combination (B photometry).
@pH6FXVGzt n The devices RECTangular or ELLIPtical width w, length l, height h, and a comment string may be added to the file's header.
OUFy=5(%: IusZY B n If the distribution does not cover the whole sphere, then it can be optionally PADded with p values (default is minimum).
";7/8(LBZ !b&+2y2i[W !!Copyright ?1998-2002 Breault Research Organization, Inc. All rights reserved
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