xunjigd |
2016-02-24 12:53 |
简介 gb!@OZ c 人眼光学模型可用来设计眼科用设备,光学系统注定了要与人眼一起使用。本文演示了这样一个模型:Arizona眼睛模型,在Jim Schwiegerling教授的书中有详细描述:《Field Guide to Visual and Ophthalmic Optics》。AZ眼睛模型达到了基于平均临床数据所决定的轴上和轴外像差等级。FRED文件包含了此眼睛模型及几个用来分析它的光源,并包括一个基于想要的屈光度来调整模型的内嵌脚本。 >S?C {_g ae9k[=- 模型 g]EQ2g_N1 +X2 i/} 模型的定义如表1种所示,由半径、圆锥常数、折射率、阿贝数、到下一面的距离等一系列表面组成。一些参数由屈光度(A)来决定。 ~:P8g<w
Table 1. AZ眼睛模型的定义 [attachment=67931] /-G qG)PX 在FRED中使用0屈光度来创建的,光瞳加在了透镜的前面。材料是创建一个新的材料并选择类型“Model Material”,输入的参数是nd和vd. oo$WD6eCR /iuUUCk 光源 H{Y5YTg] V7KtbL# 多个光源定义来分析该模型的不同特性。图1显示了所以的光源和提示信息告诉您他们可以用来做什么。 Mipm&5R }iiG$?|. D7gX,e
[attachment=67932] 图1. 光源和提示信息使用 YW4bm 除了“Letter F”之外的所有光源的光线位置设定在了孔径光阑位置处,并增加了pre-propagation distance= -8。尽管光线在光瞳处创建,规定的传输方向相对于光线位置在pre-propagation distance之后。这意味着光束沿着Z轴在眼睛的前面以平行光入射,而不是在光瞳处入射。 dy8In% ~P"!DaAf 在往下看是内置的脚本用来修改屈光度,使其为4(250mm),光源“Letter F”在视网膜处生成一个字母为F的图像。绿色的光线聚焦的非常好而红色和蓝色光线有一点的模糊。使用Positions Spot Diagram分析工具来观察最为合适。 4 _c:Vl (dO'_s&M]/
[attachment=67933] 图2. 字母F光源的设定方法光 i5>J -Y
[attachment=67934] 图3. 字母F在视网膜上位置点列图 s)o,Fi 视网膜的散射 &2<&X( ) WacU@L $A 在散射文件中,有一个名为“Retina surface”的72%的反射型朗伯散射,它为视网膜的散射提供了一个粗略的近似。为了模拟来自视网膜的散射,改变自定义元件“Eye ball” 下的视网膜的表面从“halt all” 到”Allow All”。并使几何中“plane”可追迹。 ..Uw8u/ &4[#_(pk k^'d@1z;C
[attachment=67935] 图4. 视网膜朗伯散射设定 :#Ex3H7 注意在视网膜的表面有散射重点采样规格定义,在“Scatter”标签的底部可获取该信息。“toward pupil”指定散射光朝向光瞳,半角度10度。
alb+R$s mvL0F%\.\ VFO&)E/-
[attachment=67936] 图5. 视网膜重点采样规格设定 Z+`{JE# 脚本 xi1N?
pP Dbkuh!R 内置脚本使用对话框显示屈光度和光瞳直径的数值设置。使用FRED Basic脚本创建和使用对话框非常容易。图6显示了如何获取用户自定义对话框,如下图所示: fn?6%q,!ls "M5ro$qZ}
[attachment=67937] 图6. 用户对话框的创建与编辑 0c\|S>g[
[attachment=67938] 图7. 用户对话框编辑器 #0YzPMV 如果“OK”按钮按下,将会核对对话框下面的代码行,如果点击取消则脚本终止。然后输入的参数赋予变量,如果此处是保留为空白,则使用默认值。因此,如果没有值输入并点击“OK”按钮,则脚本是以屈光度为0,光瞳直径为4mm来运行的。 jV|$?
Rcl% 余下的脚本计算与屈光度有关的所有参数。 NZ%~n:/V# uz#eO|z@o 分析 K#6`LL m die2<'\4% 屈光度为4,光瞳直径为4mm,字母F点在视网膜上所成的像。 &\6`[# bT :UJUh/U
[attachment=67939] 图7. 字母F在视网膜上颜色分析 nX.s h 脚本代码 # 1qVFU S\{^LVXTMd Option Explicit 'Remove this to enable non-dimensioned variables to be used. jN'fm )o'U0rAx|a Dim entity As T_ENTITY $E9daUt8"J Dim op As T_OPERATION .'NO~ Dim mat As T_MODELMATERIAL (-Ct!aW| Dim A As Double G4iLCcjY Dim pupilDiam As Double i6g[E4nk Dim eID As Long 5S-o
2a Dim parID As Long pD}VB6= Dim count As Integer a m k42 Dim taq As Double, Rant As Double, CCant As Double, Rpost As Double, CCpost As Double M5ySs\O4 Dim tlens As Double, nlens As Double x}8T[ Dim curv As Double, conic As Double Sfr\%Buv Dim ok As Long T>uWf#&pjs g`5`KU| Sub Main sh))[V"8 GFc '用户输入对话框 UN
.[,%<s Begin Dialog UserDialog 320,126,"Input parameters" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 D -+)M8bt TextBox 220,21,40,21,.TextBox1 'default: 0 CXP $bt} Text 20,21,190,21,"Accommodation (in Diopters):",.Text1,1 M@2Qn-I OKButton 40,91,90,21 5 dNf$a0E CancelButton 190,91,90,21 #u2&8-Gh Text 20,49,190,14,"Pupil diameter (4 mm default):",.Text2,1 '*LN)E>d TextBox 220,49,40,21,.TextBox2 'default: 4 cT=wJ End Dialog lTOM/^L Dim dlg As UserDialog 8hdAXWPn }$k`[ivBx( ok = Dialog (dlg) 6quWO2x 8,H5G` If ok=0 Then 'cancel button was pressed [|;Zxb: Print "Execution cancelled." 3_eml\CY End b\Xu1> End If &F*QYz[ sr($Bw 'Assign accommodation and pupil diameter & use defaults if field left empty t>h
i$NX{p If dlg.TextBox1 = "" Then =&*QT&e A = 0 'Default accommodation 0qd;'r< Else .]ZuG
A = CDbl(dlg.TextBox1) )! *M
71 End If zf;[nz <pl2
dxy If dlg.TextBox2 = "" Then *I1W+W`G pupilDiam = 4 'Default pupil diameter pA,EUh|H Else [.Wt,zrE pupilDiam = CDbl(dlg.TextBox2) *=0r>] End If .s*EV!SE >=W#z Print " " S{)n0/_ Print "Accommodation = " & A & " Diopters" [dF=1E>W_J Print "Pupil Diameter = " & pupilDiam & " mm" NUnc"@ Qu>zO !x ' Calculate new parameters with accommodation kRXg."b( taq = 0.55 + 2.97 - 0.04*A 'Aqueous thickness k42ur)pb 0V,MDX}#_ Rant = 12.0 - 0.4*A 'Radius of anterior lens ;pyJ O_R[ CCant = -7.518749 + 1.285720*A 'Conic constant of anterior lens Oi[9b wukos5 Rpost = -5.224557 + 0.2*A 'Radius of posterior lens lgqL)^8A CCpost = -1.353971 - 0.431762*A 'Conic constant of posterior lens <^'+]? iai4$Y(% tlens = 3.767 + 0.04*A 'Lens thickness MH8%-UV x)wt.T?eL nlens = 1.42 + 0.00256*A - 0.00022*A^2 'Lens index of refraction )"Br,uIv:/ iEgM~ 'Adjust parameters to account for accommodation /FV6lR!0^ vrnj}f[h '************************************************************************* Yg,lJ!q 'Aqueous thickness (Position of Lens) ow$l!8 '************************************************************************* OmjT`,/ eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) vMdhNOU GetCustomElement eID, entity 2&K|~~ <H@!Xw; parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) WCl;#= ts\>_/ ' Delete any shift(s) in z L?C~
qS2g count = 0 AG\852`1m While GetOperationCount(eID)>count *]{I\rX GetOperation eID, count, op PyxN _agf If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then 0@x$Cp DeleteOperation eID,count p}|wO&4h count=count-1 4x?u5L
9o End If {#M{~ count=count+1 rZQHB[^3 Wend )[X!/KR90 iwjl--)@K 'Set new shift in i{[H3p8 op.Type = "ShiftZ" -t'oW*kdL op.val1 = taq K}3"K C op.parent = parID J*&=J6 AddOperation eID, op UZ3Aq12U}a Print "Set aqueous humor thickness = " & taq-0.55 j?hyN@ns JU1; /3( '************************************************************************* "(&`muIc 'Radius and conic constant of anterior lens |/\1nWD '************************************************************************* ~EkGG
. eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Anterior" ) 6@ ^`-N; GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic j=% -b] K5rj!*x.o SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rant, CCant 8B+^vF
Print "Set anterior lens radius = " & Rant & " and conic constant = " & CCant 3v+}YT{>b 6Q.whV%y '************************************************************************* J,KTc'[ 'Radius and conic constant of posterior lens G/44gKl '************************************************************************* pytfsVM eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens.Posterior" ) @Hdg-f>y] GetConic eID, entity, curv, conic -"9)c^KVx d6
EJn/ SetConic eID, entity, 1/Rpost, CCpost B_jI!i{N%o Print "Set posterior lens radius = " & Rpost & " and conic constant = " & CCpost f|1FqL+T] :Zo2@8@7 '************************************************************************* QnLgP7Ft 'Lens thickness (Position of posterior lens surface) \1D,Kx;Cb '************************************************************************* _?LI0iIFx u`,R0=<4 parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Lens" ) P,=J"%a - -vAG5x/ , ' Delete any z-shift(s) D I[^H count = 0 J
uKaRR~ While GetOperationCount(eID)>count 8Kkr1}!wd GetOperation eID, count, op 5g7}A` If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then 8@
gD03 DeleteOperation eID,count T7_rnEOO count=count-1 oioN0EuDk End If oD1=} count=count+1 tO3B_zC Wend 1K',Vw_ |]b/5s;> 'Set new z-shift r
T$g^ op.Type = "ShiftZ" vAxtNRS op.val1 = tlens k
rjd:*E op.parent = parID a
:AcCd) AddOperation eID, op Ggjb86v\ Print "Set lens thickness = " & tlens fltcdA ~h|L;E" '************************************************************************* ?KW?] o 'Lens index of refraction hmk5
1 '************************************************************************* ,W;8!n0 eID = FindMaterial( "Lens" ) S@-X?Lu GetModelMaterial eID, mat 'Q,<_L" aKcV39brr mat.Nd = nlens * OFT)S SetModelMaterial eID, mat _fw'c*j Print "Set lens index of refraction = " & nlens #2,L)E\G8e jZyh '************************************************************************* Y:BrAa[ 'Pupil diameter l%/,Ef*3 '************************************************************************* ]xs\,}I% eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil.Iris" ) ?"Q6;np* CcETS}Q0C 'Adjust pupil diameter (trimming volume inner hole) >.>5% JDlIf SetTrimVolHole eID, pupilDiam/2, pupilDiam/2, 0, 0, "Cylinder" vUA`V\ N`fY%"5U> ' Adjust pupil location to just in front of the lens kp"cHJNx parID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) /m:}rD eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye.Pupil" ) e@YR/I8my count = 0 !{\c`Z<# While GetOperationCount(eID)>count "5bk82." GetOperation eID, count, op Hq8.O/Y"= If op.Type="ShiftZ" Then ZrBxEf$f DeleteOperation eID,count #k, kpL<a count=count-1 I`1=VC]^8 End If ](pD<FfS]' count=count+1 )I_I?e Wend #kEdf0 op.Type = "ShiftZ" lN"rhZ op.val1 = taq-0.01 ,B><la87 op.parent = parID "zc!QHpSd AddOperation eID, op "w1jr 6" K`3cH6"L6 Print "Set pupil diameter = " & pupilDiam /8R1$7 FT6cOMu 'Update AZ Eye subassembly Description =?hlgQ eID = FindFullName( "Geometry.Arizona Eye" ) 5E8PbV-l GetEntity eID, entity ;2}Gqh )Yr entity.Description = "Accommodation = " & A & "D" hz|$3*q SetEntity eID, entity "G:>}cs%? 5+J/Qm8{bb Update #.RI9B Print "DONE!" 'M{_S )Ec;kr b+ End Sub 2UquN0 czzV2P/t} 如果屈光度是4,光瞳直径是4,则会输出如下数据: V{r@D!} fA^ O Accommodation = 4 Diopters {3>^nMv@e Pupil Diameter = 4 mm `JCC-\9T_ Set aqueous humor thickness = 2.81 EUgs2Fsb3 Set anterior lens radius = 10.4 and conic constant = -2.375869 KN=Orx7Gy Set posterior lens radius = -4.424557 and conic constant = -3.081019 /~Iy1L# Set lens thickness = 3.927 7E'C o| Set lens index of refraction = 1.42672 d8>D=Ve Set pupil diameter = 4 bH&H\ Mx_k DONE! 5P4>xv[ RzkJS9)m