991518 |
2006-09-24 23:38 |
是讯技公司网站上的,初学者可以看看: kJpr:4;@_ 5,9cD`WR^ TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-conic( Word档 ) hCob^o TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-3D compound( Word档 ) K)GpQ|4:< TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-trough(cylinder) and compound trough( Word档 ) aEn*vun TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-rectangluar concentrator( Word档 ) gf70 O>E 时程表-tracepro&zemax.xls A@jBn6 What's new in TracePro 3.1-中文版( Word档 ) gUH|?@f What's new in TracePro 3.1-原厂( Powerpoint档 ) rm4t Creating a solid model-fresnel lens( Word档 ) lw_@(E]E Creating a solid model-lens element( Word档 ) <4P.B?-/t Creating a solid model-primitive solid-thin sheet( Word档 ) RmJ|g< Creating a solid model-primitive solid-torus and sphere( Word档 ) Uj^Y\w-@Z Creating a solid model-primitive solid-cylinder and cone( Word档 ) 7ea%mg\ Creating a solid model-primitive solid-block and sphere( Word档 ) py$i{v% The User Interace-Modeless dialog boxes( Word档 ) &"DD&87N% The User Interface-Object and Surface( Word档 ) Mo]aB:a The User Interface-the main windows and the system tree ( Word档 ) @./@"mR< The User Interface-the main menu and tool bars( Word档 ) "rHPcp"m The User Interface-multiple model in multiple views( Word档 ) c3(0BSv How does TracePro implement solid modeling( Word档 ) u3\_![Jt? Why Solid Modeling( Word档 ) ';LsEI[ Introduction( Word档 ) lcXo> UaBNoD