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1983pengya 2015-11-14 01:22


近期,香港弗锐达科技有限公司 协助Lambert推出两款新的ICCD相机: 8a1{x(\z.  
超短帧间间隔 ICCD 0' t)fnI#  
采用lambert的像增强器耦合到KAI - 04022芯片上,提供超短帧间间隔200ns,可以在极端时间内连拍两张照片。 %/p5C  
S5M t?v|K  
Image Sensor 
Sensor KAI - 04022 (Interline CCD, Monochrome)
Number of Active Pixels 2048 (H) x 2048 (V)
Pixel Size 7.4 μm (H) x 7.4 μm (V)
Charge Capacity 40,000 e-
Dark Current 40 e-/pixel/sec
Camera board features  
Interfaces Camera Link, GigE Vision, PoE, CoaXPress
Frame Rate Standard Clock 40 MHz / 16 fps
Frame Rate Overclocked 50 MHz / 20 fps
Output Format 8, 10, 12, 14-bit (Single only)
Double Trigger (PIV) Interframe 200 nanoseconds
External Inputs/Outputs 2 IN, 2 OUT
Strobe Output 2 strobes, programmable position and duration
Binning 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 8x) Independent H & V
Read noise 9e-
External Inputs/Outputs; 2 IN, 2 OUT
Strobe Output; 2 strobes, programmable position and duration
Binning ;1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 8x) Independent H & V
Read noise ;9e-
R lu;l  
此相机主要用于PIV,爆炸等不可重复的试验中 JM0)x}] +  
另外还推出近红外ICCD,将ICCD的应用范围扩展到1100nm。 Px`yD3  
Image sensor 1920 x 1200 pixels ; 5.86 μm square pixels
Dynamic range Max. /V~(!S>  
framerate at full resolution
72 dB 162 fps
Readout noise 14 eˉ
Integration time control 0.005 ms – 3.2 s
Selectable Region of Interest 1920 x 1200 @ 128 fps (12 bit) or 162 fps (10 bit)
Digitization 10 or 12 bit (selectable)
Triggering External trigger input LVTTL ; Trigger output LVTTL
Lens mount C-mount (F-mount upon request)
Intensifier models Input diameter Single-stage MCP Gen II or Gen III (filmless) 18 mm
Phosphors TRiCAM G: P20,P24,P43,P46; TRiCAM M: P43
Sensor coupling Tapered fiber optics 1.33:1
Photon gain (max) GaAs: 30000, GaAsP: 50000, InGaAs: 7000 lm/m2/lx
Equivalent Background Input GaAs: 0.024 photo eˉ/pix/s, GaAsP: 0.006 photo eˉ/pix/s, InGaAs: 3 x 10-10lm/cm2
Spatial resolution bare intensifier Up to 64 lp/mm
b $!l* r  
未来天气 2020-04-10 15:08
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