谈谈光电子 |
2014-11-02 18:37 |
XUV光谱仪是新型的像差校正平场入射X射线光谱仪,光谱范围可涵盖1-80nm.模块化设计,可以满足不同的实验条件和环境。 PgG |7=' 单光栅(标准配置)可覆盖5-80nm测量范围 n?P 5pJ 技术参数 uF3p1by •
1707 技术优势介绍: ]>4Qs - Direct imaging of the source / Superior signal strength 5 EuJ In contrast to conventional devices our XUV spectrometer does not 3F'dT[; require a narrow entrance aperture but rather images the harmonic source @[b:([ directly onto the detector. Thus 80% or more of the incoming beam can be MqBATW.pmJ used for measurement. Please see 7n95>as http://www.hoerlein-partner.com/#!services/cihc for a sketch drawing. y yR8VO{ This configuration typically collects 15 to 25 times more light than x5 ~E'~_ standard versions, resulting in a signal-to-noise figure improved by the qCkg\)Ks5I same ratio. 4p.{G%h In some experiments, this improved signal strength is the crucial step [;#.DH] for realizing a measurement at all. vzm4 >(6\ C - Flat-field imaging technology >hL'#;:f# Our instruments are based on high quality aberration-corrected b oOw
K? flat-field gratings. In contrast to conventional gratings these focus 0(g MR all wavelengths onto a plane rather than a circle. This allows for v8k^=A: positioning the entire detector in the focal plane of the grating for SyVbCj superior spectral resolution. _>m*`:Wb Z%9^6kdY - Compactness / Modularity iY'hkr w The spectrometer is very compact and can be bolted directly to a vacuum n03SXaU~V chamber. It is capable of carrying its own weight, no table required. %+!9 There are no externally moving parts. '*ICGKoT Through its modular design, our spectrometer can be adapted to a number q4ko}jn of configurations (source distance, spectral range, detectors, vacuum l(#Y8 pumping, etc). This makes it highly flexible for varying requirements ?~Ed
n-"Y and experiments. "l,EcZRjTz (dipKs?K - Robust against misalignment :*+BBC The compact design of the spectrometer makes it inherently insensitive rtF6Lg against mechanical and environmental disturbances (vibrations, nkj'AH"2 acoustics, etc). No externally moving parts and closed-loop grating 5a_!& actuators with absolute position monitoring add to the robustness and ;<@O^_+ allow for monitoring of the grating alignment at all times. %R"/`N9R, In addition, the concept of a spectrometer without entrance slit also #R PB;#{ makes the instrument less sensitive to misalignment. Under typical *3
8Y;{ 4 operating conditions a misalignment of the beam in the dispersion >T^v4A direction on the entrance of the spectrometer by 500um would lead to a ZWW8Hr signal reduction by more than 20% in an instrument with entrance slit ZL@DD(S-/ while it is less than 10% for our design. =pOY+S| 4KSN;G - Customization <_q/ +x]8 The adaptability of our XUV spectrometer makes it possible to highly Q4:r$
& custom-fit the device to requirements. Thus we offer to customize every (a!,) spectrometer to exactly match the desired research application. This mT~>4xi0 includes e.g. interfacing to experimental chambers, adaption of the w&cyGd D5 source distance, integration of customer-supplied detectors, a&VJYAB user-defined filter mounts, non-magnetic instruments, special mounting {-`OE situations, etc. J+gsmP-_ Ru aJ9O 典型客户: +5mkMZ 1) 苏黎世联邦理工学院 R.`J"J0/~ 2) The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IESL-FORTH) 2^M+s\p 3) MPQ L [M8[~Hy 4) Los Alamos q.F1Jj 5) Max Planck Institute qAik$. 上海达灿光电科技有限公司 $rYu4^ 021-60450828