hopebox:tick Use Polarization plus coating settings (2014-09-17 22:01) *8HxJ+[,[
uy28=BE 请问这个是在哪里进行设置的
2014-09-22 16:11
南北朝:请问这个是在哪里进行设置的 (2014-09-18 08:07) b&&'b)
s_Gp +- Use Polarization can be found under layout and ray tracing *GnO&&m'B ;pYk+r6 Cr Coating shall be assigned using Object Properties. }7^*%$ D7wWk
,B The warning message refers to the setting under General > Non Sequential > Maximum Segment Per Ray
2014-09-23 08:32
hopebox:Use Polarization can be found under layout and ray tracing 9IMcp~zX Coating shall be assigned using Object Properties. KYaf7qy] ....... (2014-09-22 16:11) 4)z](e$