個人認為: `c^">L TV distortion一般會小於2%且屬於負畸變,那光學畸變當然有正有負,以照相機來說2~3%人眼還可以接受,如果超過5%人眼就會察覺~~~一點淺見
2005-09-15 00:49
再補充說明: C2b<is=H: 在規格書上看到的TV distortion是傳送到螢幕的變形量。
2005-09-15 17:19
distortion与TV distortion有一定的关联吧!?
2005-11-07 15:08
2005-11-07 15:09
2005-11-30 18:09
Optical distortion是所計算絕對的值, J0f!+]~G3 TV distortion是在sreen上所的得到的相對值,只care max 及 min的差異, o:*$G~. k 因為數碼容易調整。 s^.tj41Gx} TV distortion與optical distortion會依不同視場定義不同。
转一个光学设计论坛里的帖子 zK_P3rLsS WCk. K 在光学设计中有人经常碰到这样的问题,光学镜头的指标中有两项对于畸变的要求 .r-Zz3 UKTfLh 一个是DISTORTION,另一个是TV DISTORTION MXDCOe~07 1*6xFn 其中的TV 畸变很多人不知道它的含义,再此给大家提供以下信息供参考,看了之后TV 畸变的概念就很清楚了 =\MAz[IDj Q Wc^}#!! %\}5u[V M} ri>o What is distortion? CY*GCkH Distortion is the ratio of the change between the center and edge areas of a captured image. Due to the aberration of the lens, the distortion is more noticeable at the edges of a captured image. There are two types of distortion: barrel distortion and pincushion distortion. The general rule is that when the absolute value of the distortion value is smaller, the lens offers higher accuracy. mfffOG k!bJ&} Q(b Calculating formula 19[!9ci TV distortion (Dtv) = Δh/2h x 100 (%) D6fd(=t1Z A positive value of TV distortion indicates *(5T?p[7 pincushion distortion and a negative value <5#2^ ( indicates barrel distortion. ;|$o z{Ll BG.sHI{ 原帖网址:http://www.opto-tech.com/read.php?tid-3086.html <Ter\o5% yh|+Usa