光杆司令 |
2014-06-09 19:49 |
What solid angle does that angular pixel represent? `} :~,E !=rJ~s
F/{ To answer that question we project out from the local axis of the detector to construct a sphere some long distance away from the detector, centered on the detector. We then (conceptually) fire rays from this point at x, y angles of (5, 40), (5, 41), (6, 41), and (6, 40). Now we know that patch of area, we can compute the solid angle subtended by that angular pixel. mZ}C)&,m2 How is Radiant Intensity Defined &VfMv'%x lko
k2 4&+lc* 红色标出的那句是什么意思? rhA>;9\ @86?!0bt _"c:Z !L ;}E$>]*Yn