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光行天下 -> 光学设计及经验 -> 位置空间光照度与角度空间光照度 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

光杆司令 2014-05-06 12:48


请问各位同行,位置空间光照度与角度空间光照度是怎样的关系?它们之间的数学转换公式是什么?下面是一个方形通光管出来的光照度~ [;};qQ-C2  
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光杆司令 2014-06-09 19:49
What solid angle does that angular pixel represent? >iaZGXje  
To answer that question we project out from the local axis of the detector to construct a sphere some long distance away from the detector, centered on the detector. We then (conceptually) fire rays from this point at x, y angles of (5, 40), (5, 41), (6, 41), and (6, 40). Now we know that patch of area, we can compute the solid angle subtended by that angular pixel. ]}C#"Xt  
How is Radiant Intensity Defined OB5{EILej  
%_} #IS1  
红色标出的那句是什么意思? ?c(f6p?%  
Ho*S >Y  
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