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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> Not enough intersections allocated to finish ray trace [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

calice 2014-03-24 17:14

Not enough intersections allocated to finish ray trace

在zemax非序列模式下  改变截止折射率 经常会出现Not enough intersections allocated to finish ray trace,请问各位大大  这是什么原因造成的 是因为我设计的结构让光线无法追迹么? /s?`&1v|r  
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calice 2014-03-24 17:25
hopebox 2014-03-25 20:31
Under General > Non-Sequential tab, you will be able to set the maximum ray intersections per ray. If a ray encounters a surface of an object it counts as 1 intersection and if you are tracing "split rays" and also have "use polarization" then you could reach the maximum you set under this tab.Increasing this number would help to solve but you dont want to set it too high as it will use a lot of memory and trace the ray section that only carry small negligible amount of energy. Alternatively, you can also change the minimum energy threshold for non-sequential ray tracing so that the ray tracing will terminate at this energy threshold. Again watch out the minimum energy detectable. Hope this helps!!  
calice 2014-03-28 14:38

Thank you for your help!

vivi2009wu 2014-04-01 16:55
hopebox:Under General > Non-Sequential tab, you will be able to set the maximum ray intersections per ray. If a ray encounters a surface of an object it counts as 1 intersection and if you are tracing "split rays" and also have "use polarization" .. (2014-03-25 20:31)  ki!0^t:9  
i found that it does'nt  work,if i choose the way you told .if i maxmum the core of fiber ,then the pronlem can be fixed ,but i dont know why ,can you tell  me ?
calice 2014-04-10 09:54
vivi2009wu:i found that it does'nt  work,if i choose the way you told .if i maxmum the core of fiber ,then the pronlem can be fixed ,but i dont know why ,can you tell  me ? (2014-04-01 16:55)  4WB0Pt{  
你可以参考一下这里http://zemax.com/support/knowledgebase/what-does-not-enough-segments-allocated-to-trace-a 不知道能不能帮上你  。我之前做的出现这个现象是因为发生了全反射,而我设置成无限次全反射,所以发生全反射时报错,应该设置成全反射光能够从平板中出去,而不是无限次全反射 ;V!D :5U  
hopebox 2014-05-29 19:18
vivi2009wu:i found that it does'nt  work,if i choose the way you told .if i maxmum the core of fiber ,then the pronlem can be fixed ,but i dont know why ,can you tell  me ? (2014-04-01 16:55)  2\$oV  
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Sorry I haven't check the forum for some time. If you still have problems you may send a file to explain what you have been doing.
olivezh 2014-06-17 20:19
calice:你可以参考一下这里http://zemax.com/support/knowledgebase/what-does-not-enough-segments-allocated-to-trace-a 不知道能不能帮上你  。我之前做的出现这个现象是因为发生了全反射,而我设置成无限次全反射,所以发生全反射时报错,应该设置成全反射光能够从平板中 .. (2014-04-10 09:54)  5r0YA IJ  
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olivezh 2014-06-17 20:21
forlightt 2015-06-07 22:04
the maximums are not increased to a sufficient level. +C)~bb*  
我的也出现过,然后设置maximum intersections per ray为4000,Maximum Segments Per Ray为10000,这个可能跟电脑配置内存大小有关系,然后我的就不再提示了
shuner 2022-02-17 11:05
节点数量不足,解决方法是Under General > Non-Sequential tab, you will be able to set the maximum ray intersections per ray.
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