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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> zemax中输入视场角可是是在22.3-6.7度之间,求大神指导 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

461006916 2014-03-22 22:27


我知道利用0  0.5  0.707  0.85  1 这五个去和最大角度相称,但通常是0到某个角度,可是我这个怎么办,求破啊啊。。 /:' >-253  
gongshaobin 2014-03-23 20:01
461006916 2014-03-24 13:13
gongshaobin:归一化就好了 (2014-03-23 20:01)  D=TS IJ@  
lqq22gy 2014-03-24 15:08
461006916:大神能说具体一点么,我还是个入门菜鸟!!谢谢 (2014-03-24 13:13)  P}v ;d]  
461006916 2014-03-25 12:20
lqq22gy:把你的最大视场除以它本身,当作1.此步骤叫归一化.0,0.5,0.707,0.85,1分别表示0/1,0.5/1,0.707/1,0.85/1,1/1.其中1代表最大角度,相对应的你就可以求出其他视场所对应的角度了. (2014-03-24 15:08)  "ko*-FrQ  
# e? B  
相对于我这个问题 22.3°-6.7°,最大视场角是22.3°。我在zemax中就是利用22.3°进行归一化的,可是问题就出现了,zemax所体现初始结构完全不是镜头手册所给的,其结构明显有问题。。  我个人觉得6.7°,是不是也要考虑??谢谢!
hopebox 2014-03-25 20:21
If you use 22.3 for normalization (归一化) then the angle 6.7 shall be included. In your subject you mentioned 22.3 to 6.7 for your field angle, this sounds like you designing a zoom lens and if so, it could be that you are not setting the field angle right for each zoom!  Make use of Multi-configuration Editor shall help to solve it if this is the root of the issue.
461006916 2014-03-25 22:36
hopebox:If you use 22.3 for normalization (归一化) then the angle 6.7 shall be included. In your subject you mentioned 22.3 to 6.7 for your field angle, this sounds like you designing a zoom lens and if so, it could be that you are not setting the field angle right fo .. (2014-03-25 20:21)  ^#R`Uptib  
aidenna 2014-03-26 08:34
94131235 2014-03-26 08:46
归一化坐标,3楼说的很清楚了,22.3度---6.7度,Tele与Wide是分别要设置的。 ZXnacc~s  
对应的Multi-configuration 自己设置好。
monitor007 2014-03-27 12:08
hopebox 2014-05-29 19:16
461006916:我已经将多重结构参数输入了啊。可是我现在实在是不知道哪里出现问题了,我把这个结构的参数,和我现在所输入的结构给您的话,您能给我看看到底是哪的问题么?? (2014-03-25 22:36)  `4K|L6  
Sorry I haven't checked the forum for some time. hope your problem is solved now!
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