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newopto 2014-03-04 16:57


新势力光电供应美国PrincetonInstruments公司的成像CCD相机,包括:ProEM+、PIXIS、eXcelontechnology、PI-MAX4、MEGAPLUS、Cascade、QuantEM、PyLoN、NIRvana、CoolSNAP。该系列成像CCD相机应用广泛,包括:激光燃烧、单光子检测、压敏涂料(PSP)、天文学、Bose-Einstein凝聚(BEC)、纳米技术、材料分析、粒子成像测速(PIV)。 SQ,-45@W  
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EMCCDcameras. Available with 512x512 and 1024x1024 back illuminated, frame transferEMCCDs for single photon sensitivity. Ideal for high speed, low light levelapplications. Permanent vacuum guarantee. Now with eXcelon3 for enhancedperformance.
1.Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC), 2. Single Molecule Fluorescence, 3. LuckyImaging, 4. Astronomy
DeepCooled CCD camera platform with formats from 512x512 to 2048x2048. Front, backand back illuminated deep depletion technologies, and cooling up to -90C.Permanent vacuum guarantee. NEW: Exclusive 1340x1300 series high sensitive largeformat cameras.
1.Pressure-Sensitive Paint (PSP), 2. BEC, 3. Chemiluminescence, 4. Surface &Materials Analysis, 5. Astronomy
eXcelon technology
New,breakthrough CCD and EMCCD technology increases QE, reduces etaloning and lowersdark current of select Princeton Instruments cameras including: PIXIS, ProEM andSpec-10.
1.Single Molecule Fluorescence, 2. Astronomy, 3. BEC, 4. Solar Inspection, 5.Kinetics
ICCDcameras for time resolved imaging. Gen II, Gen III and Gen III filmlessintensifiers. NEW: PI-MAX4 –the ultimate in precision andintelligence.
1.Frequency Domain/Time Domain Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), 2.Time-resolved imaging & spectroscopy, 3. Plasma diagnostics, 4. Combustion,5. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), 6. Particle imaging velocimetry(PIV), 7. Nanotechnology
Highresolution cameras for demanding industrial inspection applications. Interlineand full frame sensors with 2MP to 16MP resolution areavailable.
1.Semiconductor, 2. Flat Panel Inspection, 3. Web Inspection, 4. Document &Film Capture, 5. Digital Radiography, 6. Ophthalmology
Theworld's first EMCCD camera to achieve Photonics Circle of Excellence award.Choose 128x128 for ultra fast, low light level imaging or 1Kx1K for highresolution imaging.
1.BEC, 2. Single Molecule Fluorescence, 3. Astronomy
Thenext generation EMCCD platform with active bias stability and enhanced clocking.Available with 512x512 back illuminated, frame transfer EMCCD.
1.BEC, 2. Single Molecule Fluorescence, 3. Astronomy
PyLoNnext-generation, liquid nitrogen-cooled, controllerless camera for imagingapplications. Features ADC rates from 50KHz to 4MHz, with digital biasstabilization and correlated double sampling for decreased read noise andimproved linearity. Exclusive eXcelon technology available on certain models.
1.Phosphor Imaging, 2. Chemiluminescence, 3. Bioluminescence, 4.Astronomy
World's first scientific gradeInGaAs focal plane array detector. Deep cooled camera is exclusively designedfor low level NIR imaging between 0.8um to 1.7um.
1.Surface & Materials Analysis, 2. Astronomy, 3.Nanotechnology
Cooledinterline cameras for high resolution imaging up to 2Kx2K resolution. Supportsspecial on-chip accumulation (K4) and DIF (HQ) modes for PIV and pressuresensitive paint (PSP) applications.
1.PSP, 2. PIV
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