You may make use of the coating definition to ensure that the transmission for the visibles to be zero but with actual transmission data for the infrared. Hope this tip helps!
2013-12-23 15:27
hopebox:You may make use of the coating definition to ensure that the transmission for the visibles to be zero but with actual transmission data for the infrared. Hope this tip helps! (2013-11-18 17:59) 1qm/{>a-
_S9rF-9G] please tell me how to achive this,?
2014-01-14 19:22
天佑雅萱:please tell me how to achive this,? (2013-12-23 15:27) jgk{'_ j
WW@JVZxK so sorry to reply you so late! If you refer to the COATING.DAT file and user manual you will notice that there is a way to specify the transmission and reflection using a table format. .+{nA}Bc ?8Hn{3X TABLE <coating name> QRsqPh&- ANGL <angle in degrees> <u6c2!I{ WAVE <wavelength 1 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp HBt|}uZ?6i WAVE <wavelength 2 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp ?ada>"~GR_ WAVE <wavelength 3 in micrometers> Rs Rp Ts Tp Ars Arp Ats Atp 6@"Vqm|HD ??%)|nj. Hope this still helps!