文章中说到 c5]1aFKz “For both systems presented, the MTF curves reported were obtained with each spectral Jl4zj>8~ band focusing in its best focus.……“ !u=[/> Lz提第9条要求的意思难道是lz自己练过手,设计出的系统对所有波段都成像在同一位置且MTF都达到了衍射极限?
2013-08-10 23:47
huaguduo:文章中说到 ?6a:!^eL “For both systems presented, the MTF curves reported were obtained with each spectral 2avSsN{^ band focusing in its best focus.……“ *O+N4tq Lz提第9条要求的意思难道是lz自己练过手,设计出的系统对所有波段都成像在同一位置且MTF都达到了衍射极限? (2013-08-06 16:12) rH & ^SNc
whD%Oz*f 我只能说你没有理解这句话,断章取义了,回头仔细再读读吧,有这句话: (B[0BjU Optical systems designed with these glasses are potentially sensitive to temperature changes. E5Z,4B Normally, for small changes of temperature, the effect can be compensated with refocusing, eH75:` however, the application of the instrument object of this example, cannot afford either a I]zCsT. manual or an automatic refocus mechanism。 5B"j\TwQ v k<By R 其次,Close to diffraction limit for all bands in sagittal and tangential directions. 不用跟你解释近衍射极限和你所说的“达到”衍射极限的区别吧? I=.98v% 8+lM6O ~! 再次,我是亲自更进一步的优化过的,性能更好一点,毋庸置疑!