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光行天下 -> CODE V,OSLO -> 用CODE V能设计闪耀光栅吗 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

danhuaysu 2013-06-14 09:26

用CODE V能设计闪耀光栅吗

有哪位高手知道吗,用CODE V能设计闪耀光栅吗,买了软件不知道能不能用啊
hzdp 2013-06-14 10:12
beibeitym 2013-08-31 17:05
laotie 2013-09-03 19:06
wfn129 2014-01-06 11:17
oxfocean 2014-04-18 15:08
这方面,CODE V 确实比ZEMAX 强一些: J8i,[,KcE  
   Scalar Diffraction Efficiency Calculations Ix}6%2\  
CODE V estimates the scalar diffraction efficiency, or the amount of energy going into a given diffracted ;g? |y(xv  
order, for a number of blazed grating structures: kinoform, stepapproximation to a kinoform, or sinusoid. The s'oNW  
grating structure determines only the diffraction efficiency of the rays; the direction and optical path lengths SJ<v< B  
of the rays are determined by the grating order and local grating spacing. For more details about how the B~7!v${  
diffraction efficiency is calculated for each of the blazed grating structures, see “Scalar Diffraction Efficiency Eh ";irE  
Calculations” on page 4-116.
parinda 2014-04-18 15:22
oxfocean:这方面,CODE V 确实比ZEMAX 强一些: wCB*v<*  
   Scalar Diffraction Efficiency Calculations ,M;9|kE*  
CODE V estimates the scalar diffraction efficiency, or the amount of energy going into a given diffracted L|T?,^  
order, for a number of blazed grating structures: kinoform, s .. (2014-04-18 15:08)  ]|.ked  
cetclcz 2014-04-19 10:37
闪耀光栅可以设计 > 0MP[  
imissyoumg 2015-09-16 14:51
oxfocean:这方面,CODE V 确实比ZEMAX 强一些: ,=u;1  
   Scalar Diffraction Efficiency Calculations &)1.z7T  
CODE V estimates the scalar diffraction efficiency, or the amount of energy going into a given diffracted AOR?2u  
order, for a number of blazed grating structures: kinoform, s .. (2014-04-18 15:08)  rv*{[K  
k4K. ml IO  
sa313 2019-03-13 11:58
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