sc_fresnel1.ZMX saved in ZEAMX\Samples\Short course ,g,Hb\_R) S.<4t*, and look into the folder Zemax\Samples\Non-sequential\Fresnel Lenses for such lenses created in the mixed mode.
2013-04-07 20:31
hopebox:sc_fresnel1.ZMX saved in ZEAMX\Samples\Short course tV>qV\> and look into the folder Zemax\Samples\Non-sequential\Fresnel Lenses for such lenses created in the mixed mode. (2013-04-05 18:33) -|>T?
r9L--#=z Thanks.
2013-12-02 12:08
求楼主教 怎么用zemax做菲涅尔透镜 kRBO] qq1154490629
2014-05-04 10:30
hopebox:sc_fresnel1.ZMX saved in ZEAMX\Samples\Short course a#;;0R $ and look into the folder Zemax\Samples\Non-sequential\Fresnel Lenses for such lenses created in the mixed mode. (2013-04-05 18:33) TjYHoL5
a !%,2|U Thank you ! D&D6!jz It is helpful for me!!
2014-05-29 19:22
liliana:Thank you ! H>%AK'' It is helpful for me!! (2014-05-04 10:30) j9hfW'
UGy3B) I am glad that the past reply still helps ;-) Good luck!
2014-06-09 17:07
hopebox:I am glad that the past reply still helps ;-) Good luck! (2014-05-29 19:22) JT0j2_*Rr