槐花村人 |
2013-03-27 21:11 |
LightTools 8.0已经发布及其新特性
LightTools 8.0 delivers even faster illumination simulations with multi-CPU support, while new 3D objects, utilities, and enhanced parametric controls simplify design of state-of-the-art lighting components. <Q/)SN6_E X-_VuM_p MULTI-CPU SUPPORT Mmu#hb|W Can dramatically improve the speed of simulations, analyses, and design optimizations. Multi-CPU support enables forward simulation processes to take advantage of all CPUs or cores on a computer. This built-in feature is used whenever you run a forward simulation. /\b*
oPWJ 5cinI^x)f NEW 3D OBJECTS ~F@n `!c Expands the range of shapes you can create in LightTools for designing state-of-the-art lighting components. New LightTools 3D objects include revolved solids, extruded solids, revolved sheets, extruded sheets and freeform sheets. ;Tp9)UP) [M,4qe8,} ILLUMINANCE DISPLAY IN THE 3D MODEL WV.hQX9P Provides more tools for visualizing the shape and orientation of the distribution relative to model geometry. Additional options for displaying simulation results in the 3D Design view enable you to display illuminance results for all dummy plane receivers in a model at once, or display results in true color as well as false color. %" 7UYLX )=d)j^t9 PARAMETRIC CONTROLS )!\6 "{ Increases the usefulness of parametric controls by providing new ways to conveniently move and group them, which can simplify model data management. VOM@x% 6#c ?z#*eoPr SOURCE ARRAY UTILITY qar{*>LCG Simplifies the construction of source arrays useful for applications such as edge-lit displays and luminaires. The new Source Array Utility enables you to convert a given surface of a solid to an array of sources whose parent source is a native LightTools source or ray data source. V%PQlc.X aG^E^^Y STREET LIGHTING UTILITY B K+P Broadens the capabilities for street lighting design. The Street Lighting Utility provides fast calculations of street illuminance and luminance levels for standard observer positions for fixtures designed in LightTools or defined in IES files, and it supports automatic design optimization to meet industry standards. New features include the addition of a Theoretical Intensity Distribution, in which you can define a distribution (illuminance or luminance) that is either Gaussian or uniform across the roadway. ;Vat\,45pg vm_]X{80; LightTools 8.0介绍文档下载:http://www.opticsky.cn/read-htm-tid-66768.html