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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> 混合式非序列的优化问题 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

a91081624 2012-07-25 16:47


在zemax自带的非序列例子中,fiber选型第一个例子beam delivery ssytem 这个例子,看得出来有高级球差,而且点列图中RMS也很大,问下,这个例子是经过优化了的吗?如果没有,这种序列非序列混合的例子该如何优化?
hopebox 2012-07-25 20:03
the examples provided may not necessarily optimized, they are meant to give users some idea if ZEMAX can handle certain type of system modelling and optimization. Tx"}]AyB6  
}2 zJ8A9-  
If you wish to optimize a system created under mixed mode, you could define variables under non-sequential component editor just like you would do under lens data editor. Setting the targets under merit function then you will be able to optimize. . OA_)J7  
You will need to watch out tha under mixed mode, sometimes the ray required to sample the pupil may be more than you would beed under pure sequential mode mode and the determination of the exit pupil may not be stright forward either. (r,tU(  
l<0 BMwS8  
Hope this gives you some guidance.
a91081624 2012-08-01 10:08
hopebox:the examples provided may not necessarily optimized, they are meant to give users some idea if ZEMAX can handle certain type of system modelling and optimization. >(+g:p  
If you wish to optimize a system created under mixed mode, you could define variables under non- .. (2012-07-25 20:03)  .r!:` 6  
       这个例子,重新研究了下,不晓得对不对,我最开始对序列部分用默认评价函数,其中高斯积分改为矩阵法,进行优化,很明显已经脱离实际,2个透镜之间的距离达到3M,不过球差确实变好了,这种优化应该是失败了,原因我不晓得。 g|_-O" l  
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