winnichina |
2012-07-18 15:00 |
猎头职位: h [nH<m -Developmentand design of precision mechanical components, construction-groups andproducts from draft to series-production readiness. j~M#Ss-H8 -Elaboratingsolution proposals considering functionality and material aspects as wellas manufacturability and economics. Alignment with all stakeholders. rkxW UDl -Creationof design-specifications and documentation along the development process. #F_'}?09% -Supportof assembly and commissioning of modules during the phases of development. 9<xTu>7J -Supportof the assembly group and of the product specialists regardingdesign-related questions. %x&F4U 具体要求:[list=disc]Degreein precision mechanics / mechatronics of a well-known technical universityor equivalent instituteExcellentskills applying Pro/E CAD softwareIdeallythree or more years of professional experience in design-to-manufacture ofprecision-mechanical construction-groups.Goodcommand of EnglishStrongcommunication skillsWillingnessto work in international and inter-cultural teamsStructuredand solution-oriented working style ZlthYuJ _h0- 工作地点:上海市(公司有班车) x!'7yx 所属部门:R&D .. f?,-j>[.=f 学历要求:全日制统招本科或以上性别要求:不限语言要求:普通话,英文良好专业要求:精密机械/机电一体化年龄要求:25-30总工作年限:2年以上 *;<e
'[Y7f 公司简介:作为一家综合性光电集团,旗下有五大业务部门:激光与材料加工、光学系统、工业测量、交通安全及防务与民用系统部门。其全球客户主要包括半导体和半导体设备行业、汽车和汽车供应商行业、医疗技术、安全及防务技术行业以及航空行业客户 12 idM* h^}_YaT\ 有意向的请速与我联系 (邮件会即时回复)