ljwcdtj |
2012-05-17 12:02 |
小弟用CODEV设计了一个开普勒望远镜。目镜用的是对称式,物镜用了一个双胶合,视觉放大率为12。 ~T ]m>A! 在目镜和物镜分别优化之后,将二者组合在一起时发现Quick 2D能正常显示,但是MTF图线无法显示,有报错,如下: r;/4F/6" Warning: At least 3 focal positions are recommended for finding best focus xe#FUS
3 Warning: This system is not isoplanatic at field(s) 1, 2, 3, 4. A'j;\
`1 Any MTF results are of questionable value for assessing GS0;bI4ay the image quality, except in those cases where the user is CpA|4'# interested only in the image of a point-like object. The =q>'19^Jx image quality for the unacceptable fields varies significan- FemCLvu tly over a lateral region of 12 Airy disk diameters. CUO+9X-<8 Warning: The MTF results at one or more fields are inaccurate. VLS0XKI) The mapping between entrance pupil coordinates and exit pupil coordinates 8
BY j is nonlinear. The nature of the nonlinearity is such that Code V is not z8jk[5z able to compute an accurate MTF result. Usually, this condition is ^$%S &W caused by severe pupil distortion or some discontinuity in the pupil 2>|dF~" coordinate mapping. In all cases where the pupil coordinate mapping VCu{&Sh* has sufficient nonlinearity to cause this warning, the imagery is extremely ?i)f^O nonstationary (non-isoplanatic) and small changes in object space $56Z#'(D coordinates will cause large changes in the image of a point source. Fgk ajig Error: The problem described here occurs at the following field(s): vqnw#U4` Field: 1 Ao&\E cIOT Field: 2 g'pK Field: 3 VGfMN|h Field: 4 @AKn@T5 ERROR - For field 4, wavelength 1, rays at the edge of the pupil c;%_EN% may be ignored. Check apertures and vignetting for consistency. $"`- ^ 这个究竟是什么问题呢?好像是和视场有关。求高人指点。