昊量光电 |
2012-03-08 15:37 |
美国Vixar公司是世界领先的垂直腔面发射激光器 (VCSEL laser)生产商。美国Vixar公司提供各种波长及封装形式的高性能、高性价比VCSEL激光器及VCSEL模块,广泛应用于工业传感、办公设备、生物医疗及国防工业等领域。 Hbj,[$Jb 特点: bx#>BK! 可见到近红外 L6t+zIUc-~ 超窄的线宽 6CV*
Z\b 超低的功耗 nGpXI\K 极高的光束质量 W3]_m8,Z 高偏振比 WQ~;;.v# 线阵或面阵设计 Gy9$wH@8 各种封装形式 j2Cks_$: 单横模或多横模 j>*R]mr6 常见应用: 6%'.A]" 医疗传感 <>dT64R| 分析仪器 q$ZHd 条形码扫描 W^0w 激光扫描单元 R}G4rO-J 工业传感 3*]eigi) 原子钟 =[H;orMr 塑料光纤通信 4~k\j 6Pnk5ps }h 0.dgoq3u 1) At 25°C and 75% of Peak Output Power LAVAFlK5 wm]^3qI2 (2) "x" and "y"denote the character positions of options explained in the datasheet for the part number. W`K7 QWV4 ~3WM5 fv (3) Output Power of each of the multiple apertures, which are modulated independently. ${+ @gJ+S &$"i,~q^b (4) This product is a "power array" in which all apertures are electrically connected and modulated together.