laserchina |
2012-03-01 15:30 |
在3月份即将召开的慕尼黑上海光博会上面,美国光学学会(OSA)将与慕尼黑国际博览集团共同举办“OSA能源光子论坛”。论坛安排于3月20日在上海新国际博览中心W1-M1会议室召开,由美国亚利桑那大学光学学院院长James C. Wyant教授主持,来自全球各地的十余位嘉宾做精彩演讲。 YD_hg#=n oW3j|V 会议主题: \C $LjSS- Ø 能源开发、监测和控制技术现状及能源对环境问的压力 1%68Pnqk Ø 新一代能源技术研究及应用,如:纳米光子学、光伏、先进聚光技术设计 :3J,t//c Ø 应用于光伏能源技术的光学元件的设计、建模、先进材料整合、制造、测试、安装、经济效益及结果预测 I !=ew | Ø 从元器件物理学到高效发光元件设计在固态照明的能源转化方面的最新研究 kAA1+rG Ø 全球各地政府对发展相关光学能源的支持政策和行业发展状况 /]zn8d }lt5!u~} 演讲嘉宾及议题: "`qmeZ$rg The Global Impact of Photonics: Renewable Resources, Monitoring Climate Change and Energy Conservation byoP1F% Thomas M. Baer, Executive Director, Stanford Photonics Research Center, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA @k['c
M?l/_!QB Lasers and Optics Research for Energy Applications at SIOM 5gYv CW&~ Ruxin Li, Director, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, <st1:country-region w:st="on">China tBC`(7E} ,RjE?M% The <st1:country-region w:st="on">US Department of Energy SunShot Initiative – the path to $1/Watt #d2XVpO[0 Douglas W. Hall, Portfolio Manager of the Solar Energy Technologies Program's Photovoltaic Manufacturing Initiative, Department of Energy, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA IcRA[
g Ut.%=o;&[ Photonic Sensors for Energy Applications U{/d dCf7 Radu Barsan, President & CEO, RIO Inc., <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA _ p%=RIR DSjEoWj Thermodynamically Efficient Solar Concentrator yuIy?K Roland Winston, University of California, Merced, <st1:country-region w:st="on">USA #t
N9#w[K{ 4eH:eCZze SSL: An optical design challenge Yuo:hF\DH Julius Muschaweck, OSRAM AG, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Germany 3,`I\>No O*0%AjT6 由于场地限制,会议规模控制在70人以内,参会报名请于网上注册: pGz 5!d )E9[=4+*C$ 会议详细信息请查看会议网站: