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光行天下 -> TracePro -> 添加格点光源,出现警告Warning: Possibly defective Sphere 1 is being added to the raytrace. [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

qiu578 2011-11-23 16:45

添加格点光源,出现警告Warning: Possibly defective Sphere 1 is being added to the raytrace.

       添加格点光源,先建立了一个圆柱,把格点光源的起始点定义在圆柱的中心, T*O!r`.Ak  
并让光打在球面上的一个点,准备观察其反射光束,怎么出现下面的警告,对仿真有影响吗? |f.=Y~aY  
Warning: Possibly defective Sphere 1 is being added to the raytrace. 8!E$0^)c|  
Warning: Possibly defective Cylinder 1 is being added to the raytrace. |Q.t]TR'P  
Warning: Possibly defective Sphere 1 is being added to the raytrace. @yqy$I   
Warning: Possibly defective Cylinder 1 is being added to the raytrace.
minzhangalan 2015-03-06 10:05
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