yazhuge |
2011-10-12 13:02 |
Tube Characteristics aU3&=aN+ olqHa5qn PtHT> Type of photocathode SbB5J> >7J SbkNaCs .Ee8s]h5W P=h2Z,2 Working anode voltage , kV |$D^LY 19 3y@'p(}Az {DpZg",H- Useful photocathode diameter , mm zn M"P|A 24 ]`MRH[{ }, ]W/ Magnification B *:6U+I 0,47 P"- ,^?6 0q/g:"|j Limiting resolution in center, lp/mm ?Z;knX\?J 35 Bp}<H<@ 4'{j'kuv Working resolution at 1mlx )wKuumet 24 `0sa94H1[ MPT[f Image alignment mm max ^,?]]=mE 0.5 `T-(g1:9 $N+azal+y Sensitivity of the photocathode, µ ? /lm: kJ~^
}o w_9:gprf -white light ?^yZVmAo] KB-7]H - with the red filter KS-27 U'@_fg 2lGq6Au: QutQG Jx'p\* -8-Aqh8| 250 vHao
y N^)L@6 80 Nf3L NxNz(R
$~ Life time hrs 0|d%@ 1000 0`_Gj{:L 6N]v9uXZ Operating temperature min/max, ° ? |vzGFfRI -40 - +40 )(,+o '*22j ] Shock acceleration, g bj7v <G|Y 150 /VJ[1o^ 1MOQ/N2BR wWwY.}j 5 J 0 XO\P4x:c Size of spots: -[ F<u YT#"HYO Zone Byon2| nf7 Zone diameter , mm Y0U:i.) Spot diameter , mm TC ^EyjD General area Ww@Rewo U{HJNftdpm of spots, mm 2 #VD[\# H+-9R Not yay{lP}b" j5tA!o spesified 2E;*kKw[ spesified \U,.!'+ oc>,5 x Diameter < | |