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81628 2006-05-14 23:50


中文名稱︰牛津高階英英詞典第七版 [# H8Mb+7  
英文名稱︰Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th Editi g*9>z)  
營運環境︰ Win9x/WinNT/Win2000/WinXP/Win.NET/WinME w%na n=  
發行時間︰2005年 I#%-A  
整理日期︰ 2005-7-31 .v!e=i}.  
地區︰英國 j(N9%/4u  
語言︰英語 Q4 S8NqE  
簡介︰ U{m:{'np(H  
Features ;trR' ~  
The new COMPASS CD-ROM is only available with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition. Nzt1JHRS  
Compass is available with hardback and paperback editions. o^J&c_U\3'  
The COMPASS CD-ROM gives instant access to everything that is in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition plus: L@uKE jR  
- Everything in the Oxford Guide to British and American Culture which contains over 10,000 entries on every aspect of British and American culture: from Co-op to K-mart, and Savile Row to Madison Avenue. s)=7tHoqB)  
- British and American pronunciations for every headword. P40eK0 e6  
- 20,000 word origins taken from the world-famous Oxford English Dictionary. )HcC\[  
- This new edition is faster and more flexible, with many new features. As well as links to word processing packages, it now has links to web browsers and e-mail, so that you can use it to check unknown words and phrases on the Internet. M1\/ueOe  
- All the headwords are spoken, providing a model for correct pronunciation. American voices have been added to the new edition. }Qo8Xps  
- A new pronunciation practice module allows students to listen to the correct pronunciation, then record their own for comparison. v.J#d>tvf  
- There are over 680 interactive photos and illustrations, and thousands of images to illustrate entries and reinforce students’ vocabulary. Dbd5d]]n3  
- High-quality video sequences now illustrate over 80 verbs such as, shrug and sneer. =$J2  
- There is now a spellcheck facility. Hundreds of new grammar and vocabulary activities challenge advanced learners. ponvi42u  
- The popular language learning games have been retained, providing hours of fun through countless permutations. 4T-AWk  
An these special features: qlP=Y .H  
Wordfinder: organizes words into groups according to meaning. Look up newspaper and you’ll find all the words related to newspapers: editor, journalist, tabloid, broadsheet, copy, headline, etc. >Li?@+Zl  
Great for homework assignments or projects on unfamiliar topics! ':@qE\(  
Oxford Genie: click on a word in a Word document, email, or web page, and the Genie will give you an instant definition. Fh;(1X75I  
帶英美發音,是真正的真人發聲;秉承“牛津高階”優良的道統,釋義準確、詳盡、明晰,資料豐富,個人感覺比那本“劍橋高階”要好,我特喜歡Wordfinder這個功能。 irS62Xe  
81628 2006-05-14 23:51
cyqdesign 2006-05-15 00:04
9328596 2006-08-02 00:07
bjzhezhe 2008-07-13 16:00
bjzhezhe 2008-07-13 16:02
3kb的下 1d6pQ9 N  
yan388160 2008-10-21 22:42
shrc007 2008-10-26 20:35
jinwu0125 2009-06-11 00:01
不是吧  都第七版了  我那还是第四版的哦
wpfxiaobao 2009-08-16 13:02
macofyou 2009-08-24 12:36
我爱光行 2009-09-08 02:36
macofyou 2009-09-08 15:01
hugester 2009-10-18 10:19
秉承“牛津高階”優良的道統,釋義準確、詳盡、明晰,資料豐富,個人感覺比那本“劍橋高階”要好,我特喜歡Wordfinder這個功能。 X$%[%q8qg   f~Su F,o@h  
shark 2009-10-30 08:40
skaler 2009-10-31 07:55
www.opticsky.cn Q/4ICgo4   M:~#"lfK  
hjd2003 2010-10-17 21:25
sc108 2010-10-22 21:41
龙在呼唤 2012-12-01 18:27
zjj123zhang 2012-12-03 16:55
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