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光行天下 -> ASAP,APEX,LucidShape -> ASAP中$GRAB [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

hljiang 2011-07-07 17:40


GRAB是怎么用的,$GRAB 'SECTION' 2 2 VAR#1_?中2 2 是代表什么意思 BnEdv8\,&s  
a0010085 2011-11-09 13:23
The $GRAB macro takes, or “grabs”, numerical values from the Command Output hLuJWjCV  
window and loads them into registers for future use. $p6N|p  
'SECTION'  -> search for this string in the Command Output window; 3VP$x@AV  
E <@\>y.[  
" 2 2 "  -> offset two lines (records) and take the second numerical value;
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