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kendall 2011-06-15 14:44

ZEMAX照明uniform illumination设计的问题?

我现在再用zemax做均匀化照明,出现了很多问题,急需指点。 &hL2xx=  
这是一个non-sequential系统,我用fly's eye lens array做均匀化, L1g0Dd\Ox  
1.怎么计算lens的焦距,这个问题涉及到最后均匀照明区域的大小 ohe[rV>EX  
2.怎么限制lens的edge,比如fly's eye lens array 的cell 的edge值 和 随后fourier lens的edge? \SO)|M>.a  
3. 是否可以用NSDD直接来限制均匀照明区域的大小? YtWw)IK  
我的基本想法是: ~$[fG}C.K  
1.首先NSDD来限制照明区域大小尺寸                           +O9x8OPHW  
2.设定fly's eye lens array 的radius, thickness为变量,来求均匀照明。 {~Jk(c~I  
我的问题是 希望直接用透镜焦距比来控制照明区域的尺寸,但是不知道怎么求焦距? @>~\So|  
Qyx~={ .C~  
wt-sowboon 2011-06-15 21:36
My personal opinion is u online search for ready-made microlens arrays then continue with ur design. This will definitely reduce the cost as starting a new precision molding no doubt will shoot up the cost. You may design in sequential mode because it is faster and easier.Non-sequential mod getting slower when the N number increase. yx4pQL7  
Go Suss microoptics website search for an excel file which is very very helpful this design.Under homogenizer section. >C6S2ISSz  
Do take note that if your source is high coherency, the grating effect and speckles may donimate. k[a<KbS  
Sorry for not typing in Chinese cos my this computer not able to do so.But I do understand Chinese.I have a few this type of designs but cannot share out due to confidential issue. enjoy trying dude!
kendall 2011-06-17 13:02
在nonsequential中,我一旦设置 lens array radius, conic coonstant, lens thickness Ab j7  
和fourier lens 的参数为变量(外加location),让他们优化时,比如控制RMS,结果经常非常差, zYY]+)k?  
要么照明大小不对,照明强度极度不均匀,而且参数都不合理了。 R@tEC)Zn  
我希望了解如何一步一步的优化到均匀照明! '2<r{  
凯誉铭灯箱厂 2011-06-18 14:47
我是新来学习的   多看一下你们的成就
wt-sowboon 2011-06-18 21:04
One of the main reason of not getting homogenous illumination is due to CROSSTALK! which is the over-filling of rays from adjacent lens in the arrray. To overcome this kind of problem, a properly written merit function or ZPL is needed if u wanna run the optimization automatically by setting all the array's radius, lens separation, thickness, fourier lens radius as varaibles. This is definitely not an easy task and most probably will get into a mess. For me I break the design into a few parts. By understanding the function of the components (microlens and the fourier lens) is important. Microlens is used to break the beam into many bundle of beamlets. Each microlens in the array is identical. In fact, the configuration of two microlens arrays is just like designing a collimating system just that now the input beam is smaller. the separation of arrays must less than 2 times of the total FL of the lens pitch to avoid crosstalk. Normally i just use slightly bigger than 1FL. Then the fourier lens is just like a normal focusing lens, it also determine the size of the flat-top dimension at image plane. The operand i used is POPD (data 30-32).  This way of design is faster and easier, so i no need to bother to write a complicated MF or ZPL. A piece of advice is look for off-the-shelf microlens array is always the cheapest and faster solution than making a new mask for array. New mask accuracy and tolerance is sometimes hard to guarantee the performance. ;2 &"  
http://www.suss-microoptics.com/downloads/SMO_TechInfo_Sheet_10.pdf bK~Toz< k  
http://www.suss-microoptics.com/downloads/SMO_TechInfo_Sheet_10_Examples.pdf 8^j~uH  
Refer the their technical documentation and sample design file in zemax. GVnDN~[  
You will find that the excel file is a handy calculator for this design. H#;*kc a4  
eU%49 A  
wish this help!
wt-sowboon 2011-06-18 21:16
Arghh...spend some time typing a long comment and itsn`t published Gotta re-type all overagain.
kendall 2011-06-19 06:49
I also tried to design this uniform illumination system in sequential. tjXg  
Just try to optimization the default best image and put the data into non-sequential mode. xE?KJ  
(we could easily control the focal length and everything in sequential mode.) gU x}vE-  
The result looks fine, not the best ~but pretty close. VM\R-[  
I guess the design will give us a better start point.  J3 Q_  
I am still thinking what I should do next? #4$YQ  
(In this case, if I set the radius or thickness as variables, the image size will change) 4joE"H6  
Anyway, I will try first.
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