dglt2008 |
2011-05-23 16:35 |
现货Advantest Q8344A Q8344A光谱分析仪 Q8344A出售
出售/回收Advantest Q8344A Q8344A光谱分析仪 Q8344A uN>5Eh&=Pf x-%RRm<V 东莞精通电子有限公司 >!a- " 联系人:刘先生 5$cjCjY 手机:18676986680 '\xE56v)F QQ:891434127 $gD8[NAIx= 公司邮箱:dglt2008@163.com ~dp f1fP AD:东莞塘厦镇塘龙东路 dl6U]v= iR88L&U> 本公司长期现货租售/回收:频谱分析仪、网络分析仪、信号源、无线电综合测试仪、手机综合测试仪、蓝牙测试仪、电视信号发生器、TV信号发生器、数字示波器、LCR测试仪、数字万用表、OTDR、光纤熔接机、噪声分析仪、逻辑分析仪、功率计、辉度计/亮度计、等;并承接高频仪器维修! gt02Csdt i.`n^R;N Advantest Q8344A 光谱分析仪|OSA|日本爱德万 83gWA>Odh 品牌:日本爱德万 | Advantest 3JBXGT0gJ Overview ar}-~~h 5 Q8344A is an optical spectrum analyzer with a wide wavelength range from 0.35 to 1.75 μm. =y)K er The usage of a Fourier spectrum system using a Michelson interferometer makes it possible to analyze coherence that cannot be obtained by the dispersing spectrum systems using monochromators. It exhibits its capabilities for evaluation of laser diodes for CDs and video disks. N)R5#JX The built-in He-Ne laser used as the reference wavelength realizes a wavelength accuracy of ±0.1 nm (1.3 μm), ensuring a long-term measurement stability even without wavelength calibration. n_9Ex&?e QKlsBq Feature [0]A-#J -- Coherence Measurement `& | |