WinAVI Video Converter v7.5 Final
WinAVI Video Converter是专业的视频编、解码软件。界面非常漂亮,简单易用。该软件支持包括AVI、MPEG1/2/4、VCD/SVCD/DVD、DivX、XVid、ASF、WMV、RM在内的几乎所有视频文件格式。自身支持VCD/SVCD/DVD烧录。支持AVI->DVD、AVI->VCD、AVI->MPEG、AVI->MPG、AVI->WMV、DVD->AVI、及视频到AVI/WMV/RM的转换。在Pentium III 450以上的平台中,使用者能够在2个小时内完成AVI到DVD的编、解码转换。你收集了大量AVI电影?用它也许是最合适的。 What’s New
WinAVI Video Converter V. 7.5 Released Date: 2006-04-29
1. Fixed the image quality problem of the Color Space which from YU12 to RGB555 or RGB565. 2. Brand-new MPEG Encoder. The encoding speeds up 20-30%, significant image quality improvement. Compression ratio is up 10-20%. 3. Built-in high performance MPEG Decoder, 3 times faster than other decoders seen on the market. 4. AVI Encoder supports more DirectShow Audio / Video coders. 5. Added an built-in MP3 audio stream, MP2 audio stream and MP4 video Encoder in AVI, with much faster encoding speed. 6. Added uncompressed audio / video encoding for AVI, providing convenient different video editing for users. 7. Built-in AVI Encoder supporting audio / video bit rate designated by users. 8. Support Flash8 components. 9. Support convert the file which no audio to the WMV format. 10. The file dividing can be more precise . 11. much better support for special files(incomplete, corrupted files). 12. Added audio and subtitles selection option and 6-channel to 2-channel mixing. 13. Add support to menu relating, file combine, conversion pause functions in the conversion , supporting image grabbing and video preview in advanced properties and so on. 14. Fixed all known bugs. 下载: WinAVI Video Converter v7.5 Final