bladexiao |
2011-04-16 00:02 |
美版电子书《Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles》
大家好!附件中是NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies的Michael I. Mishchenko,Larry D. Travis和Andrew A. Lacis合写的著作《Scattering, Absorption, and Emission of Light by Small Particles》,由剑桥大学出版社出版。目录如下: P,CJy|[L f ,K1 a9. Part I Basic Theory of Electromagnetic Scattering, Absorption, and Emission j)'V_@ Chapter 1 Polarization characteristics of electromagnetic radiation q+WO nTS Chapter 2 Scattering, absorption, and emission of electromagnetic radiation by an arbitrary finite particle FspI[gUN, Chapter 3 Scattering, absorption, and emission by collections of independent particles \dbpCZ Chapter 4 Scattering matrix and macroscopically isotropic and mirror-symmetric scattering media 0pBlmPafY g]X4)e] Part II Calculation and Measurement of Scattering and Absorption Characteristics of Small Particles f*2V Chapter 5 T-matrix method and Lorenz-Mie theory i3rvDch
Chapter 6 Miscellaneous exact techniques 0*B_$E06 Chapter 7 Approximations [-s0'z Chapter 8 Measurement techniques D'|#5>G >pG]#Z g Part III Scattering and Absorption Properties of Small Particles and Illustrative Applications wf6ZzG: Chapter 9 Scattering and absorption properties of spherical particles :*1|ERGoay Chapter 10 Scattering and absorption properties of nonspherical particles PrDvRWM @ DU]XKv Appendix A Spherical wave expansion of a plane wave in the far-field zone X7NRQ3P@ Appendix B Wigner functions, Jacobi polynomials, and generalized spherical functions VqVP5nT'= Appendix C Scalar and vector spherical wave functions }\*dD2qNL} Appendix D Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and Wigner 3j symbols %D gU Appendix E System International units o=w&&B W%Br%VQJ [attachment=32874] ,Y &Q, 3L=vsvO4 从事相关研究的理论或实践工作者可以下载来看(共15个part)!Thanks~