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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> 有关Grid Distortion的问题 [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

sumliu 2011-03-25 08:33

有关Grid Distortion的问题

大家好! ] dB6--  
有关Grid Distortion的问题,我设设计超短焦距投影镜头的时候,我发现Field Curvature and Distortion Plot和Grid Distortion相差很大,Grid Distortion在选择最大视场是畸变为33%,尓Field Curvature and Distortion Plot里的Distortion在-2%到+2%之间,见图,有渐晕。 Y85M$]e,  
请问:我怎么用优化算子优化呢! iTi]D2jC  
@O b$w1c  
DIST、 DIMX、 DISC、 DISG我都用了,还是不行,望大家给予指导!谢谢! \nM$qr'`B  
asdfr 2011-03-25 10:27
yu-xuegang 2011-03-25 12:16
naruyi 2011-03-25 15:55
Grid Distortion视场选择有问题
kimclps 2011-03-27 13:10
Zemax裏的說明,Grid Distortion不適用於field為real image height及半視場角>=90度的情形。 &U:bRzD  
樓主是否正好是這種情形? <oG+=h  
ZEMAX cannot compute the distortion in the manner described here if the field type is real image height. The reason is that when using real image height, ZEMAX iterates each ray trace to find the exact field coordinate to hit the desired image coordinate; implicitly removing the distortion. As a workaround, ZEMAX automatically changes the field type from real to paraxial image height for the purposes of this computation. This change is significant if the distortion is large. Note the value for "Field Width" will then be in units of paraxial image height rather than real image height. Vrl)[st!;I  
Grid distortion can not be calculated if the field units are angles and the maximum angle equals or exceeds 90 degrees. This limitation is due to the assumption that the predicted image height is proportional to the tangent of the field angle in object space. When the field angle exceeds 90 degrees, the tangent does not predict the linear image height correctly. K:&FWl.  
sumliu 2011-03-28 11:15
谢谢各位的帮助, 我再好好理解理解
arkor 2011-04-09 19:25
mh300q 2011-04-10 15:58
每次23456 2013-03-20 22:13
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