将一个面的表面类型设为扩展多项式(Extended Polynomial)后,extra data编辑框里的第二项norm radius是什么呢?应该怎么设置呢? oa"_5kn, zemax manual里的说明是“Normalization radius. All ray-intercept points are divided by this number to determine the x and y coordinates for polynomial evaluation.”,但是没看懂,请问大家怎么理解? mr[+\
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2011-01-10 21:15
generally this should be the semi-diameter of the surface. What "normalized" implies that the maximum is scaled to 1 and the rest of the cooridnates are calculated as a ratio.. This is similar to Normalized Coordinates used for pupil interception. See the Normalized Field/Pupil Coorindates in the user manual. o ?`LZd:{ tm|YUat$]r Hope this helps ..