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光行天下 -> ZEMAX,OpticStudio -> ZEMAX非序列里如何控制反光碗的高度? [点此返回论坛查看本帖完整版本] [打印本页]

gracewu 2011-01-08 10:55


我用ZEMAX优化一个反光碗,用Aspheric surface建立了一个反光面,但优化的过程中发现高度无法控制,能控制的变量只是R值,K值,口径和其他非球面系数。请问有人能指点一下吗?非常感谢!
xiebin525 2011-01-08 12:28
gracewu 2011-01-10 09:48
hopebox 2011-01-10 21:19
use coorindate break surface to control the height of the surface. The tool Tilt/Decenter element can assist to do so fairly easily, once you set the decenter x/y as variables you could make them changed during optimization.
gracewu 2011-01-11 13:28
hopebox 2011-01-13 21:25
Hi Gracewu, see the picture below to show the principle of it. r$'.$k\  
Set  cooridnate break surface to surround the mirror and then make decenter X and Y variable. ?EPHq, E  
gracewu 2011-01-14 09:12
Dear hopebox,原来您说的是这个方法,以前用过的。可是。。。可是我是在非序列里使用反光碗,cooridnate break无法在非序列里使用。而且我的目的是想优化反光碗的矢高,即它的纵向长度。 5L~lF8  
我目前的方法是,建立一个虚拟的透镜,其中一个面设置为与反光碗一样的参数(用PICK UP进行各个参数的相关),同时将这个虚拟透镜设为“不进行光线追迹”。优化时对这个虚拟透镜的的厚度进行控制,就可以控制反光碗的高度。 PYs0w6o  
hopebox 2011-01-14 20:18
dear..... K`uPPyv  
x _d   
did you try "Aspheric Surface 2", this surface allows you to control the aperture size in both X and Y direction...... ADB)-!$xoi  
&DHIYj1 i  
Sorry, I guess my Chinese is poor so mistaking your 高度 as the x and y position so I guess when you said "矢高,即它的纵向长度" is one of the X or Y dimension .... (I hope)
gracewu 2011-01-15 10:19
呵呵,感谢hopebox的热心回复,是的,我想表达的意思是反光碗的矢高,不是指它的开口大小。 zSk`Ou8M  
06benn 2023-12-11 19:28
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