use coorindate break surface to control the height of the surface. The tool Tilt/Decenter element can assist to do so fairly easily, once you set the decenter x/y as variables you could make them changed during optimization.
Hi Gracewu, see the picture below to show the principle of it. r$'.$k\ >, 'guaa Set cooridnate break surface to surround the mirror and then make decenter X and Y variable. ?EPHq,
dear..... K`uPPyv x
_d did you try "Aspheric Surface 2", this surface allows you to control the aperture size in both X and Y direction...... ADB)-!$xoi &DHIYj1 i Sorry, I guess my Chinese is poor so mistaking your 高度 as the x and y position so I guess when you said "矢高,即它的纵向长度" is one of the X or Y dimension .... (I hope)