deltacxg |
2005-08-09 15:27 |
特种,精密零部件和模具加工(Special, precision parts and tools machining)
尊敬的领导:您好! AM=z`0so Dear Sir or Madam, How are you? |t$Ma'P m*e{\)rd# 为您排忧解难、节省时间、节省成本是我的最大心愿,我能为阁下解决以下技术难题. l
& Dxg Eliminating your worries and difficulties, saving your time and costs are my supreme wishes. Here, I would like to inform you that I can solve the following difficult technical problems for you. MX@IHc *<1r3! ★ 超微超深细孔加工:可在金属上加工0.1mm以上的细孔,深度达到3mm. VDTcR Manufacture capability of ultra-fine and ultra-deep for small bores: can machine holes with dia over 0.1mm, depth 3mm. O25lLNmO 3D?sL!W ★ 五轴连动加工(瑞士米克朗) UH7jP#W%= 5-axis continuum machining(Switzerland MIKRON) R_=6GZH$G !8`3GX:B_ ★ 超细电极慢走丝线切割:瑞士阿奇夏米尔线切割,最细电极丝达到0.03mm,可进行超高光洁度(达到0.1μ),超细清角(最小尖角达到0.025mm)线切割加工. = k\J< Ultra thin slow wire-cutting: Switzerland Agie Charmilles wire-cut, withthe thinnest 0.03mm, also capable of machining ultra-fine finish (0.1μ) and ultra-sharp angle (smallest 0.025mm). \.M*lqI RK w$- 7O ★ 钨钢(硬质合金)成形加工:钨钢成型磨削、外园磨削. n~VD uKn9 Tungsten steel (hard alloy) forming machining: tungsten forming grinding,cylindrical grinding. :[;hu}!& (sWLhUgRX ★ 超长孔加工:最小孔径0.3mmX50mm(超长),公差在0.002mm. q -8t'7 Ultra-long hole machining: smallest hole 0.3mmX50mm(super long), tolerance 0.002mm. Ty88}V A!^q
J# ★ 精密外园磨削:超长、超细轴磨削,尺寸精度达到2μ,同轴跳动2μ以内. VK@!lJu! Precision cylindrical grinding: ultra-long and ultra-thin axis grinding, with precision to 2μ,coaxial jumping within 2μ. $XoQ]}"O GfC5z n> ★ 精密内,外螺纹磨削加工. yA47"R Precision inner and outer thread grinding machining. 4&l10fR5 Q_l'o3 ★ 精密镜面抛光,超平平面抛光. :1Sl"?xU Precision mirror polishing. Ultra-flat surface polishing. }1IpON
q+,Q<2J 有任何问题请随时联系我 H#ClIh?'b Any questions pls don’t hesitate to contact me. -W>'^1cR b86}% FM Kind Regards +>JjvYx}\ William Chen ](|\whI 太仓戴尔塔精密模具有限公司 nB .G TaiCang DELTA Precision Tools Co.,Ltd. V')0 Mr Tel:+86-512-55772599 53509141 utr:J Fax:+86-512-53560880 =*Bl|;>6 Hc`A3SMR 8V~vXnkM (big file)