smartbird |
2010-08-01 13:10 |
新书pdf版《Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation With Examples in MATLAB》
Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation With Examples in MATLAB Jason D. Schmidt SY9 5s Le83[E*i Description BMq> Cj+ , S^y> Wave-optics simulation is an immensely useful tool for many applications. The simulation techniques in this book are directly applicable to atmospheric imaging, astronomy, adaptive optics, free-space optical communications, and LADAR. In addition, many of the basic techniques are applicable to integrated optics and nonlinear, anisotropic, and optically active media. -|x7<$Hw )]n>.ZmLCB Numerical Simulation of Optical Wave Propagation is solely dedicated to wave-optics simulations. The book discusses digital Fourier transforms (FT), FT-based operations, multiple methods of wave-optics simulations, sampling requirements, and simulations in atmospheric turbulence. "s@Hg1 F]RPM(!5O) This book will benefit optical scientists and engineers at all levels as a guide for FT-based data analysis, imaging system analysis, and wave-optics simulations. Professors can use this book to augment their Fourier optics courses and for independent studies with students. Problem sets are given at the end of each chapter. Students will learn principles and techniques from this book that can be utilized throughout their careers in optics. ts=D 2fdN@iruB Table of Contents r'ilJ(" &q&z$Gc;m 1. Foundations of Scalar Diffraction Theory !I|_vJ@< 2. Digital Fourier Transforms Ew4D';&; 3. Simple Computations Using Fourier Transforms FOD'&Yb& 4. Fraunhofer Diffraction and Lenses ^5Y<evjm 5. Imaging Systems and Aberrations J"#6m&R_q 6. Fresnel Diffraction in Vacuum sudh=_+> 7. Sampling Requirements for Fresnel Diffraction 6Takx%U 8. Relaxed Sampling Constraints with Partial Propagations <Z[Z&^ 9. Propagation through Atmospheric Turbulence \[!{tbK`2 Appendix A: Function Definitions vJr,lBHEk Appendix B: MATLAB Code Listings ;0Uat [attachment=28355] e O~p"d-| pPxgjX [attachment=28349]