nsc29 |
2010-06-26 11:24 |
求那位大大教下 谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢啦 e5ZX wavelength 780nm XPXIg DPD 4.5mm X:"i4i[}{9 focal length 4.5mm n,y ZRY material sk5 4#MtF'J edge thickness >1mm v!~fs)cdE| aspherics allowed on both sides r,73C/*&/ image plate 1.25mm thick ,fk5 i
&nSh ]KK spacing >1.8mm between lens and plate QOGvC[*`<T inage format 0.2mm dia (use image heights of 0.0 and 0.1 mm) _}Ac n$ @1roe
G 老师留的作业。。。。 x)DMPVB<