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huiyu1981 2010-03-26 07:12

Solid-state Lasers(2006最新第六版,超清晰pdf,共764页)

  简介: es7=%!0  
This book, written from an industrial vantage point, describes the characteristics,design, and operation of solid-state lasers. As the title implies, the emphasis is placed on the technical aspects of these systems rather than on theoretical concepts. Lengthy mathematical derivations have been avoided because the theory is not treated as an end in itself, but rather serves to explain the experimental results observed in the laboratory. However, there is sufficient theoretical background provided in each chapter to make the book self-contained. f/?P514h  
Solid-State Laser Engineering is mainly intended for the practicing scientist or engineer who is interested in the design or use of solid-state lasers. The response from readers has shown that the comprehensive treatment of the subject makes the work useful also to students of laser physics who want to supplement their theoretical knowledge with the engineering aspects of lasers. Although not written in the form of a college text, the book might be used in an advanced college course on laser technology. ~P-mC@C  
zhangwei3017 2010-03-26 09:45
huiyu1981 2010-03-26 12:57
huiyu1981 2010-03-26 23:27
huiyu1981 2010-03-31 11:22
bairuizheng 2013-06-30 02:13
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basketwill 2014-12-09 14:48
Solid-state Lasers(2006最新第六版,超清晰pdf,共764页)  还不错
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