limoq |
2011-11-10 00:51 |
/J0ctJ2k Summary of Steps [ZkK)78}k 1. Start LightTools and open the desired model. l:rT{l=8* 2. Start the BPO utility. q(cSHHv+ 3. Select the mesh merit function and pattern zone for optimization on the Zone/Mesh Info tab. h$eVhN&Vv 4. Review or select the texture settings on the Texture Controls tab. 7BDoF!kCx 5. Review the resulting pattern on the Pattern Data tab. EkE U}2 6. Review the exit criteria and noise floor information, and start the optimization from the Run tab. - Ado-'aaS 7. After the optimization, review the results by selecting Optimization > Results. -R-|[xN