cyqdesign |
2010-01-31 23:02 |
半导体光学第3版在第二版基础上进行了更新和扩展,对红外光-可见光-紫外光范围内的半导体光学作了回顾和总结,内容包括:线性和非线性光学性质,动力学特性,磁光学和电光学,强激励效应,一些应用、实验技术和群理论。本书的数学知识基础、简单,读者可以直观理解实验结果和所用到的处理技术。本书涉及物理学、材料科学和光电子学等相关领域。新增(或修改)的内容包括一些最新的进展:空腔极化、光子结构、半导体Bloch方程,并对大块材料相关的章节进行了修改和更新。 i3$$,W! [attachment=24335] Yk!/ow@. 4rg2y] 市场价:¥118.00 a_~=#]a 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折) pCi#9=?N ~`ny@WD9 WKfkKk;G 1 Introduction +]Zva:$#` 2 Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States ]=pR 3 Interaction of Light with Matter X}ma] 4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators uVE.,)xz 5 The Concept to Polaritons Lh.b5Q| 6 Kramers-Kroning Relations zAzP,1$? 7 Crysatals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonous Pe73g% 8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal ia @'%8 9 Excitons,Biexcitions and Trions r!1D*v5&: 10 Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations MRNNG6TUs 11 Optical Properties of Phonoms : 18KR*;p 12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons Q4*?1`IsR 13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors /AY4M;}p 14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitions and Defect States \_V-A f{6 15 Optical Properties of Exctions in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality Rhc-q|Lz8 16 Rxcitons Dnder the Influence of External Fields w'MGA 17 From Cavity Ploaritons to Photonic Crystals RD7^& 18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties #G" xNl 19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics OJ|r6 20 The Intermediate Density Regime x+8_4>,>Y7 21 The Electron-Hole Plasma yZr M.%V 22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes ^&@w$ 23 Time Resolved Spectroscpy ?'86d_8 24 Optical Bistability,Optical Computing Spintronics and Quantum Computing K_)eWf0a 25 Experimental Methods Q/uwQo/ 26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics e}/Lk5q! 27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations TxjYrzC The Final Problem jp8@vdRg Subject Index m7a#qs;, )c n+1R 市场价:¥118.00 4;n6I)&.( 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折) 3~ S'LxV