cyqdesign |
2010-01-31 23:02 |
半导体光学第3版在第二版基础上进行了更新和扩展,对红外光-可见光-紫外光范围内的半导体光学作了回顾和总结,内容包括:线性和非线性光学性质,动力学特性,磁光学和电光学,强激励效应,一些应用、实验技术和群理论。本书的数学知识基础、简单,读者可以直观理解实验结果和所用到的处理技术。本书涉及物理学、材料科学和光电子学等相关领域。新增(或修改)的内容包括一些最新的进展:空腔极化、光子结构、半导体Bloch方程,并对大块材料相关的章节进行了修改和更新。 }_L@CpG [attachment=24335] |:tFQ.Z'2 }IGr%C(3% 市场价:¥118.00 f[!QR 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折) ;%#@vXH[Oo
xxm1Nog6 1 Introduction 65Ysg}x 2 Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States zTP3JOe( 3 Interaction of Light with Matter qf9.S)H1Z 4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators C``%<)WC 5 The Concept to Polaritons 13Ee"r 6 Kramers-Kroning Relations q7wd9 6G: 7 Crysatals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonous uM0z%z5b 8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal s"G6aM 9 Excitons,Biexcitions and Trions n5%rsNxg 10 Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations ;#!`cgAh 11 Optical Properties of Phonoms #uT-_L}sw 12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons F#Oqa^$( 13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors g Bq, So 14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitions and Defect States k"V3FXC) 15 Optical Properties of Exctions in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality UtiS?w6 16 Rxcitons Dnder the Influence of External Fields pscCXk(|A` 17 From Cavity Ploaritons to Photonic Crystals 2ZB'WzH.X 18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties l0b Y 19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics Y=4 ,d4uu 20 The Intermediate Density Regime y8wOJZ<K 21 The Electron-Hole Plasma o;\0xuM@ 22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes VzMoWD; 23 Time Resolved Spectroscpy 9QI\[lT& 24 Optical Bistability,Optical Computing Spintronics and Quantum Computing Q4Q*5> 25 Experimental Methods HlY4%M5q/ 26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics Hi9 ;i/ 27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations ^ow[XEB% The Final Problem d"nE+pgE Subject Index TjlKy )D@1V=9, 市场价:¥118.00 zie])_8|h 优惠价:¥95.10 为您节省:22.90元 (81折) %n9}P ,