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2010-01-31 21:48 |
《半导体器件导论》(影印版)还尽量保持了原书的主要优点:(1)注重基本概念和方法。《半导体器件导论》(影印版)从内容的整体编排到具体章节的叙述,都体现了突出物理概念、强调基本分析方法的指导思想。书中的数学推导和物理分析融为一体,得出的结论不仅对理解物理概念十分重要,而且经得起反复推敲。书中还采用了大量非常清晰的插图,帮助读者更好地理解基本概念。(2)可读性强,便于自学。全书脉络清楚,说理透彻,易于读者理解和掌握。每一章的开头都有引言,告诉读者可以从本章学到什么,应该掌握什么;每一章中都有例题和读者自测题;每一章的最后还有总结、复习提纲和大量习题(其中包含一些采用计算机进行模拟计算的练习题)。通过举例和练习加深读者对基本概念的理解是《半导体器件导论》(影印版)突出的特点。 _jkH}o ' 《半导体器件导论》(影印版)是美国新墨西哥大学电机与计算机工程系Neamen教授所著的“SereicorlductorPhysics and Devices,3rd edition”一书的改进版本。 ^6*LuXPv 与原书相比,《半导体器件导论》(影印版)更好地将固体晶格结构、量子力学入门知识、固体的量子理论以及半导体物理和半导体器件有机地结合在一起。利用《半导体器件导论》(影印版),学生只需要具有高等数学和大学普通物理的基础,用一个学期就可以系统地学习到半导体器件的基本理论,从而为进入微电子学研究领域打下一个良好的基础。这一特点也是目前国内出版的同类教材很难达到的。 2,.%]U [attachment=24330] .yp"6S^b *LnY}# 市场价:¥69.00 B^'Uh+Y 优惠价:¥55.20 为您节省:13.80元 (80折) S}zh0`+d'Z
(x7AV$N ^zjQ(ca@"x Preface xvii Q}#5mf&cD CHAPTER 1 QIl![% The Crystal Structure of Solids @o&.]FZs 1.0 Preview 1 UO%VuC5B 1.1 Semiconductor Materials 2 xs jJ8>G 1.2 Types of Solids 3 /9/svPc] 1.3 Space Lattices 4 d0(GE4+/ 1.3.1 Primitive and Unit Cell 4 ISo{>@a- 1.3.2 Basic Crystal Structures 6 s':fv[% 1.3.3 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices rN3i5.*/t 1.3.4 The Diamond Structure 13 +QS7F`O 1.4 Atomic Bonding 15 4
I}xygV 1.5 Imperfections and Impurities in Solids 17 V,>_L 1.5.1 Imperfections in Solids 17 Op] L#<&T 1.5.2 Impurities in Solids 18 8ut:cCrmg 1.6 Growth of Semiconductor Materials 19 YLc 2:9 1.6.1 Growth from a Melt 20 T*"15ppfk 1.6.2 Epitaxial Growth 22 $,+'|_0yM 1.7 Device Fabrication Techniques: -!]Ie4" Oxidation 23 v@OyB7} 1.8 Summary 25 }Ip"j]h Problems 27 **I9Nw!IH CHAPTER 2 fneg[K Theory of Solids 31 QInow2/u 2.0 Preview 31 >patv 2.1 Principles of Quantum Mechanics 32 JM8s]& 2.1.1 Energy Quanta 32 7Gb(&'n 2.1.2 Wave-Particle Duality Principle 34 l@}BWSx&ms 2.2 Energy Quantization and Probability Concepts 36 =6#tJgg8 2.2.1 Physical Meaning of the Wave Function 36 ;9cBlthh 2.2.2 The One-Electron Atom 37 Y~=]RCg 2.2.3 Periodic Table 40 mPHn &4 2.3 Energy-Band Theory 41 6MC*2}W 2.3.1 Formation of Energy Bands 41 Up|\&2_ 2.3.2 The Energy Band and the Bond Model 45 ,}&E=5MF\ 2.3.3 Charge Carriers——Electrons and Holes 47 Ln;jB&t 2.3.4 Effective Mass 49 <&'Y e[k 2.3.5 Metals, Insulators, and Semiconductors 50 x~."P*5 2.3.6 The k-Space Diagram 52 ns.[PJ"8 2,4 Density of States Function 55 1k@k2rE 2.5 Statistical Mechanics 57 )r
O`K 2.5.1 Statistical Laws 57 )N
QtjB$ 2.5.2 The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function a7G0 and the Fermi Energy 58 dvUBuY^[ 2.5.3 Maxwell-Boltzmann Approximation 62 l6.#s3I[' 2.6 Summary 64 #UREFwSL Problems 65 W'{q CHAPTER 3 M,[u}Rf^w The Semiconductor in Equilibrium 70 <@CBc:j0 3.0 Preview 70 &k3'UN!&Ix 3.1 Charge Carriers in Semiconductors 71 Meh?FW||5 3.1.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes 72 Z-m,~Hh 3.1.2 The no and Po Equations 74 g{8R+ 3.1.3 The Intrinsic Carrier Concentration 79 x{io*sY- 3.1.4 The Intrinsic Fermi-Level Position 82 }z&P^p)R 3.2 Dopant Atoms and Energy Levels 83 s(7'*`G"h 3.2.1 Qualitative Description 83 n3{m
"h3 3.2.2 Ionization Energy 86 H3 _7a 9 3.2.3 Group III-V Semiconductors 88 0|X!Uw-Q%_ 3.3 Carrier Distributions in the Extrinsic Semiconductor 89 H[ %Fo 3.3.1 Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes 89 Mj$dDtw …… ;_0)f 市场价:¥69.00 !x. ^ya 优惠价:¥55.20 为您节省:13.80元 (80折) pt8X.f,iA