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2010-01-30 22:09 |
半导体基础,第3版,作者:(P.Y.Yu) (美)M.Cardona
半导体基础是一部享誉世界经典图书,作者Peter Y.Yu (于鑫) 是美国加州大学的教授, Manuel Cardona 是德国斯图加特马普所的教授, 他们长期从事半导体物理研究和教学工作, 是半导体领域顶级科学家。 ?\O+#U%W 半导体科学是一本不断取得令人惊奇进展的一门科学, 是人类社会现代化赖以实现的基础学科。本书从实验和计算两个角度详细地介绍了半导体材料的电子、振动、输运和光学性质, 强调的是对硅及其它四面体结合的半导体材料基本物理性质的理解。该书自1995年推出, 2001年即更新到第3版.,书中包含大量的数据、图表和习题, 它既是半导体物理方面难得的教科书, 同时也是从事半导体研究和器件开发的研究者必备的参考书。本书叙述条理清楚,语言流畅,自写作开始作者就牢记兼顾学生和专业研究人员的需要, 阅读本书对读者来说是一种享受。 R/Y/#X^b 此书为英文版。 H]!y |p [attachment=24318] zhCI+u4/qz "yz\p, 市场价:¥89.00 R_1C+ 优惠价:¥71.20 为您节省:17.80元 (80折) R Nv<kw
vXnpx}B $@Ay0GEI" 1.Introduction LNN:GD)> 1.1 A Survey of Semiconductiors a[$.B2U 1.2 Growth Techniques Fd\XDc[g Summary ipzUF o<w Peirodic Table of“Semiconductor-Forming”Elements 8;!Eqyt 2.Electronic Band Structures L$Leo6<3a 2.1 Quantum Mechanics 6m.Ku13; 2.2 Translational Symmetry and Brillouin Zones j0%0yb{-^ 2.3 A Pedestrian's Guide to Group Theory x@Y2jM 2.4 Empty Lattice or Nearly Free Electron Energy Bands I|j tpv} 2.5 Band Structure Calculations by Pseudopotential Methods /SUV'J) 2.6 The k·p Method of Band-Structure Calcuations &Bp\kv 2.7 Tight-Binding or LCAO Approach to the Band Structure H4m6H)KOG Problems k41la? Summary :1lE98= 3.Vibrational Properties of Semiconductors,and Electron-Phonon Interaction xk*3,J6BK 3.1 Phonon Dispersion Curves of Semiconductors rqFs[1wr>R 3.2 Models for Calculating Phonon Dispersion Curves t@u\ 4bv 3.3 Electron-Phonon Ineratctions QB.'8B_ Problems 8@fDn(]w Summary R_qo]WvR; 4.Electronic Properties of Defects 4'd{H
Rs 4.1 Classification of Defects L@z !,r, 4.2 Shallow or Hydrogenic Impurities YEQW:r_h.S 4.3 Deep Centers HEuM"2{DMM Problmes Ij#a Summary _M&.kha 5.Electrical Transport r$#G%FMv 5.1 Quasi-Classical Approach l'W+^ 5.2 Carrier Mobility for a Nondegenerate Electron Gas {a3kn\6H0 5.3 Modulation Doping pq[mM!;#v 5.4 High-Field Transport and Hot Carrier Effects V{h@nhq 5.5 Magneto-Transport and the Hall Effect bNROXiX Problems AIm$in`P Summary )RYnRC#O 6.Optical Properties Ⅰ L,
{rMLM% 7.Optical Properties Ⅱ Qsntf.fT 8.Photoelectron Spectroscopy }x.)gW 9.Effect of Quantum Confinement on Electrons and Phonons in Semiconductors p0rwiBC=q Appendix:Pioneer of Semiconductor physics Remember O&,O:b:@ References tqQ0lv^J Subject Index GVEWd/:X( Physical Parameters of Tetrahedral Semiconductors(Inside Front Cover) gFT~\3jp= Talbe of Fundamental Physical Constats(Inside Back Cover) MA+-2pMc|7 Table fo Units(Inside Back Cover) VM]IL%AN e9W7ke E* 市场价:¥89.00 +?iM$}8!U 优惠价:¥71.20 为您节省:17.80元 (80折) l;BX\S