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cyqdesign 2010-01-29 23:11


This book covers a broad range of the major topics of classical optics, in the form of 37 self-contained chapters. The chapters in the first half of the book deal primarily with the basic concepts of optics, while those in the second half describe how these concepts can be used in a variety of technological applications. ` mvPbZ0<  
In each chapter, Professor Mansuripur introduces and develops a specialized topic in a comprehensive, clear and pedagogical style. The mathematical content is kept to a minimum as the book aims to provide the reader with insightful discussions of optical phenomena, at a level which is both accessible and interesting. This is aided by the numerous illustrations throughout in the form of diagrams, graphs and powerful computer simulation images. Topics covered include classical diffraction theory, optics of crystals, peculiarities of polarized light, thin-film multilayer stacks and coatings, geometrical optics and ray-tracing, various forms of optical microscopy, interferometry, coherence, holography, and nonlinear optics. j'L/eps?S  
As such, this book will constitute the ideal companion text for graduatelevel courses in optics, providing supplementary reading material for teachers and students alike. Industrial scientists and engineers developing modern optical systems will also find it an invaluable resource. zD}@QoB  
This book covers a broad range of the major topics of classical optics, in the form of 37 self-contained chapters. The chapters in the first half of the book deal primarily with the basic concepts of optics, while those in the second half describe how these concepts can be used in a variety of technological applications. v=m!$~  
In each chapter, Professor Mansuripur introduces and develops a specialized topic in a comprehensive, clear and pedagogical style. The mathematical content is kept to a minimum as the book aims to provide the reader with insightful discussions of optical phenomena, at a level which is both accessible and interesting. This is aided by the numerous illustrations throughout in the form of diagrams, graphs and powerful computer simulation images. Topics covered include classical diffraction theory, optics of crystals, peculiarities of polarized light, thin-film multilayer stacks and coatings, geometrical optics and ray-tracing, various forms of optical microscopy, interferometry, coherence, holography, and nonlinear optics. b$@vJ7V!  
As such, this book will constitute the ideal companion text for graduatelevel courses in optics, providing supplementary reading material for teachers and students alike. Industrial scientists and engineers developing modern optical systems will also find it an invaluable resource. HrOq>CSR  
*LuR <V  
市场价:¥110.00 <O<Kf:i&c1  
卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折) pg<m0g@W*;  
@ FNaCmBX  
Preface {"v~1W)  
Introduction ~,Y xUn8@  
1 Abbe's sine condition 3{:AG,G  
2 Fourier optics )NF5,eD  
3 Effect of polarization on diffraction in systems of high numerical aperture I1f4u6\*X  
4 Gaussian beam optics ) wZ;}O  
5 Coherent and incoherent imaging y<9' 3\  
6 First-order temporal coherence in classical optics 7{z\^R^O  
7 The van Cittert-Zernike theorem =Ff _)k  
8 Partial polarization,Stokes parameters,and the Poincare sphere 5& 2([  
9 What in the world are surface plasmons? 8'sT zB]  
10 The Faraday effect 7];AB;0"  
11 The magneto-optical Kerr effect WHF[l1  
12 Fabry-Perot etalons in polarized light ()}(3>O-  
13 The Ewald-Oseen extinction theorem $Wy(Wtrx|  
14 Reciprocity in classical linear optics lwSZ pS  
15 Linear optical vortices rtSG- _[i  
16 Geometric-optical rays,Poynting‘s vector,and the field momenta 9ZJn 8ki  
17 Diffraction gratings )tvP|  
18 The Talbot effect ZA1:Y{ V  
19 Some quirks of total internal reflection $.+_f,tU  
20 Evanescent coupling omP\qOc  
21 Internal and external conical refraction Tv[| ^G9x  
22 The method of Fox and Li /nq\*)S#&  
23 The beam propagation method Vb @lK~  
24 Michelson's stellar interferometer zi^?9n),  
25 Bracewell's interferometric telescope ApD`i+Y@  
26 Scanning optical microscopy .IU\wN  
27 Zernike's method of phase contrast *SK`&V  
28 Polarization microscopy \V(w=   
29 Nomarski's differential interference contrast microscope FG:t2ea  
30 The van Leeuwenhoek microscope H*H~~yQ  
31 Projection photolithography BQ:hUF3  
32 The Ronchic test p3,m),  
33 The Shack-Hartmann wave front sensor )Fsc0_  
34 Ellipsometry ^j!2I&h1  
35 Holography and holographic interferometry XN^l*Q?3n  
36 Self-focusing in nonlinear optical media ^? V9  
37 Laser heating of multilayer stacks FoQy@GnM5  
Index >d3`\(v-  
市场价:¥110.00 Jn&^5,J]F8  
卓越价:¥96.60 为您节省:13.40元 (88折) Nov)'2g7G  
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