cyqdesign |
2010-01-27 23:43 |
光纤通信技术,作者:(美)迈恩贝弗(Mynbaev D.K.)
《光纤通信技术》通过大量的例子、图表以及实际问题,不但全面介javascript:绍了光纤通信系统中的基本技术,而且结合实际应用,介绍了光纤、系统以及网络中的最新技术和设备。本书主要内容有单模光纤基础、光缆的连接与测试、光源及光传输基础、接受器、光器件、光器件及光网络、光网络中的的无源部件、开关及功能部件等。 }b3/b [attachment=24262] 8am`6;O:! PnT)LqEF 市场价:¥60.00 9e!NOl\_;. 优惠价:¥46.80 为您节省:13.20元 (78折) <T?oKOD ] JM$.O;y
- "Chapter1 Introduction to Telecommunications and Fiber Optics 46jh-4)< Chapter2 Physics of Light: A Brief Overview Weoj|0|t Chapter3 Optical Fibers-Basics 1tzV8(7 Chapter4 Optical Fibers-A Deeper Look ;_kzcK!l Chapter5 Singlemode Fibers-Basics rk2xKm^w Chapter6 Singlemode Fibers-A Deeper Look |Q~cX!; Chapter7 Fabrication, Cabling, and lnstallati H Yr}wG N_Chapter8 Fiber Cable Connectorization and Testing p(SRjQt Chapter9 Light Sources and Transmitters-Basics c2l_$p Chapter10 Light Sources and Transmitters-A Deeper Look H2gj=krK Chapter11 Receivers $Byj}^ ;1 Chapter12 Components of Fiber-Optic Networks = 64r:E Chapter13 Passive Components, Switches, and Functional Modules of Fiber-Optic Networks UAS@R`?cI Chapter14 An lntroduction to Fiber-Optic Networks T4e\0.If Chapter15 Conclusion B=L&bx 市场价:¥60.00 .uo.N 优惠价:¥46.80 为您节省:13.20元 (78折) ~iBgw&Y